NATO Stock Number (NSN) Marketing Seller Features - NATO Stock Number (NSN) Marketing

NSN Lookup provides a unique global marketplace for products with a NATO Stock Number (NSN) or a National Stock Number. The buying audience is diverse and truly global lowering the barriers to global sales. NSN Lookup enjoys relationships with NATO Countries and Non-NATO Countries where Government Employees and Military Personnel can use the Marketplace and the NATO Stock Number Database without subscription significantly lowering the barrier to entry to the system. Sellers benefit from the open access for Qualified Government Buyers who a majority of are not authorized to subscribe to services for purchasing or research. NSN Lookup also provides a comprehensive database of Stock Numbers and supply-chain data from all NATO Countries and beyond for Government Contractors and Commercial Users.

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NSN Lookup NSN Manufacturers

Government Agencies and their Militaries purchase millions of products by NATO Stock Number (NSN). Manufacturers who manufacture a product that has a NATO Stock Number can feature in the NSN Marketplace providing buyers with a point of contact for Requests For Quotations (RFQ). For Manufacturers who have an online catalog, the marketplace listing can provide a direct web link to the product information in the manufacturer's online catalog. Where Manufacturers have an online eCommerce system, inventory levels, pricing and lead times can be presented in the Marketplace to aid in Buyer's supply-chain decisions.

Boost Marketing

Boost marketing provides the tools to display custom HTML content for a NATO Stock Number. The HTML content can consist of Product Images, Product Details, Specifications and other Product Information. Comprehensive data such as Videos, Datasheets, Manuals and other Product Literature can be directly embedded or linked to the Manufacturer's web catalog.

5985-01-643-9030 Mast Section
Boost Marketing Example

5985-01-643-9030 MAST SECTION

NSN with Custom HTML

NSN Distributors NSN Distributors

More than 12,000 Distributors trust the NSN Lookup Marketplace to list their inventory availability. The NSN Lookup Marketplace compliments the other online marketing services such as ILSmart, PartsBase and NSN-Now with advanced features and ease of access for Government Buyers. Retail marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon and Walmart provide a platform for some NSN Products but many products are incompatible with their systems and the selling fees are significant. Distributors with a product that has a NATO Stock Number can directly show their inventory to Government Buyers. Inventory information such as stock levels, condition, price and lead time can be displayed to aid Buyer's supply-chain decisions. Buyers can rapidly Request a Quotation (RFQ) which distributors can receive by email or Buyers can directly contact the distributor by Telephone and Fax. Distributors can also provide direct web links to their product catalog or eCommerce system.

Boost Marketing

As with Manufacturers, Boost marketing provides the tools to display custom HTML content for a NATO Stock Number. The HTML content can consist of Product Images, Product Details, Specifications and other Product Information. Comprehensive data such as Videos, Datasheets, Manuals and other Product Literature can be directly embedded or linked to the Manufacturer's web catalog.

Customer Reviews

General Dynamics
"NSN Lookup is a convenient
platform for our customers
with support needs and for us."
US CENTCOM Central Command
"The marketplace is a win-win
for any Government Buyer. It
even links to GSA and Fedmall."
"NSN Lookup connected us
directly to First Responders
in their hour of need. Bravo!!"