CAGE Code Lookup

Searching for NSNs by Keywords in the MCRL (Master Cross-Reference List) provided by the FLIS (Federal Logistics Information Service) through the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency) of the DOD (Department of Defense). FLIS provides this data through their WebFLIS and FEDLOG products, but these are not available for public use. This free NSN Keyword Search Tool provides NSN Search of the Military NSN Database.

The NSN Lookup search engine allows you to easily lookup CAGE Codes over all of the catalogs and databases available within NATO for public use:

CAGE Code Lookup
CAGE Code Lookup
- Basic -


Jacket Black

HMMWV Bolt 3/8"

Green Notebook

- Basic -

24V 300A

Brass Screw UNF

STEEL Anodized

CARC 383 Paint

NSN Search
- Autocorrect -



CAGE Code Lookup FAQ CAGE Code Lookup FAQ

What Is CAGE Code Lookup?
CAGE Code Lookup is the process of searching the NATO Database of NCAGE Codes by keyword, location and other references to find commercial and goverment organizations.
How Do I Lookup a CAGE Code?
You can search the NSN Database by choosing the most relevant keywords found in the part number, name or characteristics. Search Phrases such as "screw steel 10-24 UNF" or "seat commander HMMWV". Select the appropriate scope on the search box.
What If I Do Not Find Anything?
Not all items are codified by the DLA or NATO. Only often recurring and inventoried stock items are codified into the NATO Database and many items do not have all of their characteristics or weapon platforms codified.