RNCC Codes
Reference Number Category Codes (RNCC) specify the relationship of a part number to an Item of Supply - NATO Stock Number (NSN). NATO defines an order of preference for RNCC for NSNs to be used for all new procurement. The order of preference is determined in conjunction with the RNVC for a NSN. A table below defines the meaning of each RNCC / RNVC combination in order of declining preference for procurement.

RNCC Code Table
RNCC | Description |
1 | Source of Control Reference. The number assigned by a design control manufacturer of an end item of equipment, including a Government activity, to a drawing that restricts procurement (1) to the specified item(s) described on the drawing and (2) to the stated source(s) of supply designated thereon. These restrictions are imposed on the cognizant design activity to ensure procurement of the only item(s) known as a result of test or evaluation to be satisfactory for the stated critical application. Includes only those drawings which meet the definition for Source Control Drawing in MIL-STD-100. (Applicable only to type 1, 1B, 2, 4 and 4B item identifications.) |
2 | Definitive Government Specification or Standard Designator Reference. A part number, style number, or type designator included in or developed in accordance with a Government specification or standard which has the effect of fully identifying an item of supply. This code shall also be used for a Government specification or standard which, although not including part numbers, style numbers, or type designators, covers a single item of upply. These reference numbers may be coded with Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC) 1 in accordance with volume 2, paragraph 2.9.2.n.(4). |
3 | Design Control Reference. The primary number used to identify an item of production or a range of items of production, by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation, or Government activity) which controls the design, characteristics, and production of the item by means of its engineering drawings, specifications and inspection requirements. |
4 | Non-Definitive U.S. Government Specification or Standard Reference. Any Government specification or standard reference other than those indicated in code 2 as definitive references. This code shall be used for non-definitive Government specifications and standard references and non-definitive part numbers, type designators, and style numbers included therein which are coded with RNVC 1. |
5 | Secondary Reference. Any additional number, other than a primary number (codes 1,2,3,4) informative reference (code 6) or vendor item drawing reference (code 7) assigned to an item of production or supply by a commercial or Government organization, which represents the same item of production or supply to which the National Stock Number (NSN) was assigned. The reference number may have had an RNCC of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 but has since been replaced in the item-of-supply concept of the NSN by another primary number. |
6 | Informative Reference. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Stock Numbers (CAGE Code 99995), Production Equipment Codes (CAGE 99998), and DoD Ammunition Codes (CAGE Code 99999) which may be related to NSNs. (Reference numbers for the CAGE Codes cited above shall be coded RNVC 9.) |
7 | Vendor Item Drawing Reference (formerly Specification Control Reference). The number assigned by a design activity to a drawing that is not item-identifying, but which delineates existing commercial or vendor-developed items meeting all engineering and test requirements specified, without imposing additional test/engineering requirements not normally provided by the vendor(s). Includes only those drawings which meet the definition for Vendor Item Drawing in MIL-STD 100. Vendor Item Drawing References are administrative control numbers and shall not be used as part identification numbers. |
8 | US/NATO-Reproduced Item Identification Number. A number representing a reproduction of an item of production by a NATO country (including the United States) for which authorization to use the NATO/National Stock Number has been granted by the originating country. The reproduced item represents the same item of production as the original item. |
A | Design Category Packaging and Related Logistics Data Reference Number. The number of a document representing packaging and related logistics data requirements. |
C | Advisory Reference. A number assigned to an item of production or supply not included in the item-of-supply concept to which the NSN has been assigned (e.g., an item that may have been used in the preproduction equipment design which has since been redesigned or replaced). Use of this RNCC is restricted to conditions where cross-reference is required to establish identification to an item of supply. Additionally, there is not direct relationship of the reference number to the NSN other than a Service/Agency individual decision. RNCC shall be used only in conjunction with RNVC 1. |
D | Drawing Number Reference. A number assigned by a design activity to a drawing or other technical documentation which identifies a drawing/document that is related to an item of supply or production but does not qualify for assignment of codes 1,3,5,7, or C. Code D reference numbers will not be used in item-of-supply determinations. |
E | Replaced Reference Number. A manufacturer's part number, government specification/standard or other design control reference number that is superseded, discontinued or replaced resulting from a cancel-use action on a NSN which was recorded with ISC 3 or E. This reference number is automatically moved and this code is automatically assigned, do not submit for cataloging purposes. |
RNCC / RNVC Combinations
In Order of Declining Preference for Procurement. This allows a buyer to select the most appropriate source for a NATO Stock Number.
RNCC Code | RNVC Code | Status | Explanation |
1 | 2 | Source Control | An Item Identifying, Source Control Reference Number (Reference Number). Along with the Source Control Reference Number, FLIS edits require that at least one additional Reference Number with a RNCC 3/RNVC 2 shall also be recorded on the item. |
1 | 3 | Reparable Source Control | A Reparable Source Control Reference Number, which is Item Identifying. FLIS edits require that only one additional RNCC 3/RNVC 3 be recorded on the NSN. |
7 | 2 | Vendor Drawing | A Vendor Item Drawing (VID) number, which is Item Identifying. VID numbers are administrative control numbers and shall not be used as a part identification number. FLIS edits require that there must also be at least one RNCC 3/RNVC 2 vendor reference numbers assigned. |
2 | 2 | Definitive Standard | A Definitive Reference Number developed from a Government Specification or Standard which, is Item Identifying. |
2 | 9 | Inactive Standard | A Government Specification/Standard, No Longer Active. |
3 | 2 | Primary Buy | The Primary Reference Number, which is Item Identifying, assigned by a manufacturer, professional association or standard designator to identify an item of production. For Service applications, sometimes referred to as the primary buy. |
3 | 3 | Primary Reparable | The Primary vendor Reference Number on a Source Control item, which is Item Identifying and Reparable, assigned by a manufacturer, professional association or standard designator to an item of production. |
3 | 9 | Original Design | Original Design Activity reference number, no longer procurable from this CAGE. |
7 | 9 | Obsolete Drawing | A Vendor Item/Specification Control Drawing, No Longer Valid. |
5 | 2 | Secondary Buy | A Secondary Reference Number, which is, Item Identifying. For Service applications, sometimes referred to as the secondary buy. |
5 | 3 | Secondary Reparable | The Secondary vendor Reference Number on a Source Control item, which is Item Identifying, reparable assigned by a manufacture, professional association or standard designator to an item of production. |
8 | 2 | NATO Reproduction | A US/NATO Reproduced Item Identification Number, which is Item-Identifying, representing a production item reproduced with authorization to use NATO/NSN and is same item as the original. |
2 | 1 | Related Standard | A Non-definitive, Reference Number developed from a Government Specification or Standard which, is Non-Item Identifying, |
4 | 1 | Incomplete Standard | A Non-Definitive Reference Number derived from a Government Specification or Standard. Additional information such as type, class, grade, style, size, and material is required to fully identify the item. |
3 | 1 | Incomplete Reference | The Primary Reference Number, which is Non-Item Identifying, assigned by a manufacturer, professional association or standard designator to an item of production. |
7 | 1 | Related Drawing | A VID number which is Non-Item Identifying. Refer to Cataloging Data Standards and Transactions Volume 10, Table 8, Valid Reference Number Combinations for Item of Supply Concept, for FLIS edit criteria. |
5 | 1 | Incomplete Secondary Reference | A Secondary Reference Number, which is Non-Item Identifying. |
6 | 9 | NATO Reference | DoD Ammunition Code, Production Equipment Code, or NATO Informative Reference. |
D | 9 | Informational Drawing | Identifies a drawing or other document related to an Item of Supply for informational purposes only, but is not used in item of supply determinations. Envelope drawings, next higher assembly drawings or parts. |
8 | 1 | Related NATO Reproduction | A US/NATO Reproduced Item Identification Number, which is Non-Item Identifying, representing a production item reproduced with authorization to use NATO/NSN and is same item as the original. |
A | 2 | Packaging Document | A Design Category Packaging and Related Logistics Data Reference Number, which is Item Identifying, representing the number of a document for packaging and related logistics data requirements. |
A | 1 | Related Packaging Document | A Design Category Packaging and Related Logistics Data Reference Number, which is Non-Item Identifying, representing the number of a document for packaging and related logistics data requirements. |
5 | 9 | Cancelled Obsolete | A Reference Number that has been canceled as obsolete or superseded and is retained for informational purposes only (audit trail, visibility and tracking purposes). |
C | 1 | Advisory Reference | A Reference Number that is used as an Advisory Reference only. It is not used in the item of supply concept. The Reference Number does not have a direct relationship with the NSN other than as a service/agency decision. |
E | 8 | Transferred | A Reference Number which has transferred to the replacement NSN as a result of a cancel-use action of an NSN that was in a standardization relationship (ISC 3 or E). |