AMC Codes
Acquisition Method Codes (AMC) define the Acquisition Method determined by the Primary Inventory Control Activity (PICA) during a planned procurement review of an Item of Supply - NATO Stock Number (NSN).
Understanding NSNs by their Acquisition Method Code (AMC) and Acquisition Method Suffix Code (AMSC) quickly reveals who can supply the item to a NATO Country. The AMC and AMSC codes are used both by Contracting Officers to screen for compliant offers of supply and by Government Contractors planning to tender an offer of supply to quickly determine if a company is eligible to bid on a solicitation. The combination of AMC and AMSC determine the "Acquisition Competiveness" for an item.

AMC Code Review
As items of supply (NSNs) enter the inventory of NATO Countries, stock levels are monitored and replenishment of stocks is scheduled. The PICA (Primary Inventory Control Activity) will request reviews of the items of supply, screening them for revised AMC and AMSC determinations based on priority for a supply item and workloads. Newly codified NSNs (new items of supply) are flagged for review at the highest priority when entering the physical supply chain for the first time. Subsequently, NSNs are prioritized for review based on:
- Design Stability - Design changes increase the priority of review
- Performance Stability - Quality Deficiency Reports increase the priority of review
- The Forecasted Replenishment Monetary Value - The most valuable inventory is prioritized for review
- The Forecasted Replenishment Quantity - The most frequently consumed inventory is prioritized for review
- Availability of Technical Data - Additional Data and Data Changes prioritize a review
New End Users of a codified item of supply (NSN) may place high-priority on reviewing an item when first received.
Acquisition Method Suffix Code FAQ
- Does every NSN have a AMSC?
- Every NATO Stock Number (NSN) is assigned an AMSC (Acquisition Method Suffix Code) in conjunction with an AMC (Acquisition Method Code).
- Do AMSC codes change?
- AMSC codes change over time based on reviews of the procurement results for a NSN. Typically, as an AMSC code is changed, the new code widens the scope of the procurement sources. The widening of scope, or relaxing of restrictions on sources, is normally due to additional technical data being developed on file by the receipt and use of parts providing improved confidence that sources other than the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) can reliably provide the item without compromising the Quality of the Form, Fit and Function of the item.
AMSC Code Table
AMSC | Description |
0 | Not Established. |
A | NATO's rights to use data in its possession is questionable. (NOTE: This code is only applicable to items under immediate buy requirements and only as long as rights to data are still under review for resolution and appropriate recoding.) Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
B | Acquisition of this item is restricted to source(s) specified on “Source Control”, “Altered Item” or “Selected Item” drawings/documents. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
C | This item requires engineering source approval by the design control activity in order to maintain the quality of the item. An alternate source must qualify in accordance with the design control activity's procedures, as approved by the cognizant NATO engineering activity. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
D | The data needed to produce this item from additional sources is not physically available. Valid AMCs: 3, 4 and 5 |
G | NATO has unlimited rights to the technical data, and the data package is complete. Valid AMCs: 1 and 2 |
H | NAO physically does not have in its possession sufficient, accurate, or legible data to purchase this item from other than current source(s). (NOTE: This code is applicable only to items under immediate buy requirements and only as long as the deficiency is under review for resolution and appropriate recoding.) Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
K | This item must be produced from class 1A castings (eg, class 1 of MIL-C-6021) and similar type forgings. The item must be procured only from sources which use castings or forgings obtained from approved (controlled) source(s). Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
L | The annual buy value of this item falls below the screening threshold ($10,000 in the USA) but it has been screened for known source(s). (NOTE: This code shall not be used when screening items entering the inventory. It shall not be assigned in preference to or supersede any other AMSC.) Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
M | Master or coordinated tooling is required to produce this item. This tooling is not owned by NATO or, where owned, cannot be made available to other sources. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. |
N | This item requires special test and/or inspection facilities to determine and maintain ultra-precision quality for its function or system integrity. Substantiation and inspection of the precision or quality cannot be accomplished without such specialized test or inspection facilities. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
P | The rights to use the data needed to purchase this item from additional sources are not owned by NATO and cannot be purchased. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
Q | NATO does not have adequate data, lacks rights to data, or both, needed to purchase this item from additional sources. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
R | The data or the rights to use the data needed to purchase this item from additional sources are not owned by NATO and it has been determined that it is uneconomical to purchase them. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
S | Procurement of this item restricted to limited source(s) because security classification of confidential or higher prevents public disclosure. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
T | Acquisition of this item is controlled by QPL (Qualified Products List) procedures. Valid AMCs: 1 and 2. |
U | The cost to NATO to breakout this item and acquire it competitively has been determined to exceed the projected savings over the life span of the item. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
V | This item has been designated a high-reliability item under a formal reliability program. Probability of failure would be unacceptable from the standpoint of safety of personnel and/or equipment. The cognizant engineering activity has determined that data to define and control reliability limits cannot be obtained nor is it possible to draft adequate specifications for this purpose. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
Y | The design of this item is unstable. Engineering, manufacturing, or performance characteristics indicate that the required design objectives have not been achieved. Major changes are contemplated because the item has a low process yield or has demonstrated marginal performance during tests or service use. These changes will render the present item obsolete and unusable in its present configuration. Limited acquisition from the present source is anticipated pending configuration changes. Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |
Z | This item is a commercial/non-developmental/off-the-shelf-item (COTS). Valid AMCs: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. |