
Instruction Plate

9905171079052 171079052 HM537198

An item which is rigid or semirigid, generally flat and smooth. Its thickness is small in comparison to its length and width. It has data thereon indicating method of operation, maintenance, and/or personnel protection. See also MARKER, IDENTIFICATION; PLATE, IDENTIFICATION; PLATE, DESIGNATION; PLATE SET, INSTRUCTION; DECAL; and LABEL. For items having the combination function of a PLATE, INSTRUCTION and PLATE, IDENTIFICATION, see PLATE, IDENTIFICATION. Excludes TAG, INSTRUCTION. View more Instruction Plate

9905-17-107-9052 PLATE,INSTRUCTION 9905171079052 171079052

Managed by Netherlands
NSN Created on 8 Mar 1994
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January 2023
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9905-17-107-9052 PLATE,INSTRUCTION 9905171079052 171079052 1/1
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