
Identification Plate

9905143737979 143737979 49-631-04-042-2 602-31-006

An item which is rigid or semi-rigid, generally flat and smooth designed to be attached to an item and provides data such as name/nomenclature, weight, tire pressure, dimensional data and the like. See also MARKER,IDENTIFICATION; PLATE,DESIGNATION; PLATE,INSTRUCTION; PLATE SET,IDENTIFICATION; and TAG,MARKER. Excludes LABEL. View more Identification Plate

9905-14-373-7979 PLATE,IDENTIFICATION 9905143737979 143737979

Managed by France
NSN Created on 13 Nov 1981
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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9905-14-373-7979 PLATE,IDENTIFICATION 9905143737979 143737979 1/1
NSN 9905-14-373-7979 (Generic Image) 1/1

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49-631-04-042-2 602-31-006 An item which is rigid or semi-rigid, generally flat and smooth designed
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9905-14-373-7979 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-99/fsc-9905/fr 9905-14-373-7979

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9905-14-373-7979 is a Identification Plate

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France (ZF)

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