
Card-Label Holder

9905143553146 143553146 1513065 13065

An item designed to hold record cards, inventory cards, identification cards, or the like. It may be attached to another item, such as shelves, drawers, walls, bulkheads, luggage, or switchboards, either by screws, studs, nuts, strap and buckle or similar fastening, or by adhesion. It may be open-faced and open-backed, or totally inclosed. Excludes HOLDER, HOSPITAL BED PATIENT INDENTIFICATION CARD. View more Card-Label Holder

9905-14-355-3146 HOLDER,CARD-LABEL 9905143553146 143553146

Managed by France
NSN Created on 19 Mar 1979
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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9905-14-355-3146 HOLDER,CARD-LABEL 9905143553146 143553146 1/1
NSN 9905-14-355-3146 (Generic Image) 1/1

9905-14-355-3146 Stock and Availability Marketplace 9905-14-355-3146

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1513065 13065 An item designed to hold record cards, inventory cards, identification cards, or the like
RQST NE Updated Every Day 9905-14-355-3146 RQST Updated Every Day 9905-14-355-3146 RQST NE Related Documents
9905-14-355-3146 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-99/fsc-9905/fr 9905-14-355-3146
127765DEC1 7550478-PLC-13065-004C1 G547-0002-PLC-13065-004C1 PLC-13065 004 G547-0002-PLC-13065-004 PLC
-9905/fr 9905-14-355-3146 Card-Label Holder 9905143553146 143553146 JavaScript in your web browser .
9905-14-355-3146Card-Label Holder9905143553146 143553146 1513065 13065 Related Documents 9905-14-355-
ITEM 4 127765DEC1 7550478-PLC-13065-004C1 G547-0002-PLC-13065-004C1 PLC-13065 004 G547-0002-PLC-13065
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-99/fsc-9905/fr 9905-14-355-3146 Card-Label Holder 9905143553146 143553146
JavaScript in your web browser . 9905-14-355-3146Card-Label Holder9905143553146 143553146 1513065 13065
13065-004C1 G547-0002-PLC-13065-004C1 PLC-13065 004 G547-0002-PLC-13065-004 PLC -13065-004 127765DE PLC
-004C1 G547-0002-PLC-13065-004C1 PLC-13065 004 G547-0002-PLC-13065 -004 PLC-13065-004 127765DE PLC-13065
Card-Label Holder 9905143553146 143553146 JavaScript in your web browser . 9905-14-355-3146Card-Label
day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 7025-01-463-6100Disk Drive Unit7025014636100 014636100 13046 10479 13065
1513065 13065 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-70/fsc-7025/us 7025-01-463-6100 Disk Drive Unit 7025014636100
ITEM 4 127765DEC1 7550478-PLC-13065-004C1 G547-0002-PLC-13065-004C1 PLC-13065 004 G547-0002-PLC-13065

9905-14-355-3146 Demil Restrictions 9905-14-355-3146


9905-14-355-3146 is a Card-Label Holder

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France (ZF)

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