
Designation Plate Set

9905123730424 123730424 S115M2069210

A set of two or more PLATE, DESIGNATION of the same physical characteristics but each plate of the set containing a different letter(s), numeral(s), silhouette(s) or symbol(s) of a consistent series. The size, typographical style and/or shape of each letter, numeral, silhouette or symbol must have an associated similarity. View more Designation Plate Set

9905-12-373-0424 PLATE SET,DESIGNATION 9905123730424 123730424

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 20 Sep 2007
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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9905-12-373-0424 PLATE SET,DESIGNATION 9905123730424 123730424 1/1
NSN 9905-12-373-0424 (Generic Image) 1/1

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9905-12-373-0424 is a Designation Plate Set

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France (ZF)
Germany (ZG)
Italy (ZR)

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