
Adhesive Sign Face

9905123664398 123664398 ECS6010-77DE-BLACK

An item which displays information, instruction, warning, direction, and the like, by means of word(s), symbol(s), color(s), or shape(s). It is not self-supporting and when attached to some form of backing becomes, and is used as, a sign. It may be reflective or nonreflective. Excludes DECAL and MARKER, IDENTIFICATION. View more Adhesive Sign Face

9905-12-366-4398 SIGN FACE,ADHESIVE 9905123664398 123664398

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 26 Apr 2005
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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9905-12-366-4398 SIGN FACE,ADHESIVE 9905123664398 123664398 1/1
NSN 9905-12-366-4398 (Generic Image) 1/1

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9905-12-366-4398 is a Adhesive Sign Face

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Germany (ZG)

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