
Designation Plate

9905121874965 121874965 272.839.977 V22-498-7-11TYPE5 V22.498.7-11 TYPE V V22.498.7-11TYPEV

An item which is rigid or semirigid, generally flat, and smooth. Its thickness is small in comparison to its length and width. It contains letters, numerals, and/or symbols, or it may be a silhouette of the designated item. Does not contain words or instrucitons. See also MARKER, IDENTIFICATION&#59; PLATE, IDENTIFICATION&#59; PLATE, INSTRUCTION&#59; PLATE SET, DESIGNATION&#59; DECAL&#59; LABEL&#59; and TAG, MARKER. For items having the combination function of a PLATE, DESIGNATION&#59; and PLATE, INSTRUCTION&#59; see PLATE, INSTRUCTION. For items having the combination function of PLATE, DESIGNATION&#59; and PLATE, IDENTIFICATION&#59; see PLATE, IDENTIFICATION. See also PLATE SET, DESIGNATION. View more Designation Plate

9905-12-187-4965 PLATE,DESIGNATION 9905121874965 121874965

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NSN Created on 10 Apr 1981
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272.839.977 V22-498-7-11TYPE5 V22.498.7-11 TYPE V V22.498.7-11TYPEV An item which is rigid or semirigid
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9905-12-187-4965 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-99/fsc-9905/de 9905-12-187-4965
fsc-6645/it 6645-15-215-0971 Orologio Pilota V22 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-99/fsc-9905/de 9905-12-187-4965
Designation Plate 9905121874965 121874965 JavaScript in your web browser . 9905-12-187-4965Designation
Plate9905121874965 121874965 272.839.977 V22 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-99/fsc-9905/de 9905-12-187-4965

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