
Sign Numeral

9905218771367 218771367 6-1 1-2INALUM 9905-0133

A single number formed from materials, such as cardboard, metal, or plastic, and used singly or in combinations in the preparation of signs and bulletin boards. See also MARKER, IDENTIFICATION. View more Sign Numeral

9905-21-877-1367 NUMERAL,SIGN 9905218771367 218771367

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NSN Created on 6 Dec 1977
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9905-21-877-1367 NUMERAL,SIGN 9905218771367 218771367 1/1
NSN 9905-21-877-1367 (Generic Image) 1/1

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6-1 1-2INALUM 9905-0133 A single number formed from materials, such as cardboard, metal, or plastic,
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9905-21-877-1367 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-99/fsc-9905/ca 9905-21-877-1367

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9905-21-877-1367 is a Sign Numeral

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