
Metal Foil

9535999657717 999657717 BS2870-CZ108-H-150X0.05MM BS2870 BS2870-CZ108 CZ108

Metal sheet limited to 0.005 inch or 0.13 mm thickness. Excludes GOLD LEAF. View more Metal Foil

9535-99-965-7717 FOIL,METAL 9535999657717 999657717

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BS2870-CZ108-H-150X0.05MM BS2870 BS2870-CZ108 CZ108 Metal sheet limited to 0.005 inch or 0.13 mm thickness
Metal Foil 9535999657717999657717 BS2870-CZ108-H-150X0.05MMBS2870BS2870-CZ108CZ108 Metal sheet limited
-CZ108CZ108 Metal sheet limited HBS265GSGB10064 Metal sheet limited to 0.005 BS2870 -CZ108 Metal Foil
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Foil9535999657717 999657717 BS2870 -CZ108-H-150X0.05MM BS2870BS2870-CZ108 CZ108 Metal sheet limited
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-CZ108 CONDITION H BS265 GSGB10064 Metal sheet limited to 0.005 inch or 0.13 mm thickness 9535-99-961

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