
Metal Strip

9535216641990 216641990 B 152 QQ-C-576

A ferrous or nonferrous product with corss-sectional dimensions limited to those established in Appendix C, FIIG A131. Includes corrugated and perforated items. For silver strips see SILVER SHEET. View more Metal Strip

9535-21-664-1990 STRIP,METAL 9535216641990 216641990

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NSN Created on 6 Jun 1968
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January 2023
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9535-21-664-1990 STRIP,METAL 9535216641990 216641990 1/1
NSN 9535-21-664-1990 (Generic Image) 1/1

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METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576 Metal Sheet 9535216643078 216643078,B 152 ASTM-B-152 SHEET,
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-95/fsc-9535/ca 9535-21-664-1990 Metal Strip 9535216641990 216641990,B
B 152 ASTM-B-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576 Quotation QQ-C-576 SHEET,METAL 33 SH
QQ-C-576 Metal Sheet 9535216643078216643078,B 152 ASTM-B-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation
-21-664-1994 Metal Plate 9535216641994 216641994,B 152 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576 SHEET ASTM-B
-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576 Metal Sheet 9535216643078 216643078,B 152 ASTM-B
-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576 Metal Sheet 9535216643078 216643078,B 152 ASTM-B
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-95/fsc-9535/ca 9535-21-664-1990 Metal Strip 9535216641990 216641990,B
152 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576 SHEET ASTM-B-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-
576 Metal Sheet 9535216643078 216643078,B 152 ASTM-B-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-
46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576 SHEET ASTM-B-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576
Metal Sheet 9535216643078 216643078,B 152 ASTM-B-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576
Metal Sheet 9535216643078 216643078,B 152 ASTM-B-152 SHEET,METAL 46 SH NS Request Quotation QQ-C-576

9535-21-664-1990 Demil Restrictions 9535-21-664-1990


9535-21-664-1990 is a Metal Strip

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