
Metal Bar

9510226112968 226112968 JRRH1025

A metallic product of ferrous or nonferrous material. It is produced as a solid section in straight lengths or short barlike forms of cored or solid cross section. It may be round, square, hexagon, oval, half-oval, or half-round shape whose width, diameter, or distance between parallel faces is 3/8 inch or 10.0mm or greater. Rectangular shape cross-sectional dimensions are limited to those established in Appendix C, FIIG A131. It is round to a maximum diameter of 24 inches or 610.0mm. For a rectangular shape less than 3/32 inch or 2.5mm thickness, see WIRE (1), NONELECTRICAL. View more Metal Bar

9510-22-611-2968 BAR,METAL 9510226112968 226112968

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NSN Created on 19 Aug 2005
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