
Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing

9330994342028 994342028 500023-2 5F2988

A length of flat plastic tubing wound on itself in the form of a spiral. The item may be utilized in the binding of wires, cables and for harnesses or as a spiral chafe guard on a nonmetallic hose assembly and the like. The elastic properties of the plastic item, in that it expands and contracts, creates a gripping eefect on the items it encompasses. It may be color coded for identification purposes. For flat plastic tubing designed to be expanded for use see TUBING, NONMETALLIC. Excludes CONDUIT, NONMETALLIC, FLEXIBLE; and INSULATION SLEEVING, ELECTRICAL View more Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing

9330-99-434-2028 TUBING,PLASTIC,SPIRAL WRAP 9330994342028 994342028

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9330-99-434-2028 TUBING,PLASTIC,SPIRAL WRAP 9330994342028 994342028 1/1
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500023-2 5F2988 A length of flat plastic tubing wound on itself in the form of a spiral.
fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028 fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028 Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330994342028 9330
Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330994342028 fsg-93/fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028 Spiral Wrap Plastic
Updated Every Day 9330-99-684-4719 RQST Updated Every https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-93/fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028
Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330994342028 9330994342028 9330-01-521-7539 9330-21-876-1283 https/
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www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-93/fsc-9330 Plastics Fabricated Tubing 9330995084243 9330-21-876-1283 9330-99-434-2028
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Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330994342028 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-93/fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028
-14-513-7967 9330-99-684-4719 9330-01-521 https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-93/fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028
Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330994342028 7539 9330-21-876-1283 9330-99-434-2028 https https https
142-0361 9330-66-157-1587 9330-14-513-7967 9330-99-684-4719 9330-01-521-7539 9330-21-876-1283 9330-99-434-2028
Tubing 9330996844719 9330-99-684-4719 Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330996844719 fsg-93/fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028
Tubing 9330996844719 length of flat plastic tubing https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-93/fsc-9330/uk 9330-99-434-2028
Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330994342028 9330-99-684-4719 Spiral Wrap Plastic Tubing 9330996844719

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