

9150143068379 143068379 A36845 STD235L3

A jellylike, oily, translucent mass obtained in the fractional distillation of petroleum for commercial use. It is yellow to amber colored and its consistency varies with the temperature. Excludes PETROLATUM, LIQUID, TECHNICAL. View more Petrolatum

9150-14-306-8379 PETROLATUM 9150143068379 143068379

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1974
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July 2023
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9150-14-306-8379 PETROLATUM 9150143068379 143068379 1/1
NSN 9150-14-306-8379 (Generic Image) 1/1

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A36845 STD235L3 A jellylike, oily, translucent mass obtained in the fractional distillation of petroleum
/fsg-91/fsc-9150/fr 9150-14-306-8379 Every Day 9150-14-306-8379 RQST NE Related Documents 9150-14-306
Petrolatum 9150143068379143068379,A36845 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-91/fsc-9150/fr 9150-14-306-8379
France (FR) DAC: 2 1 Jan 1974 9150-14-399-0030 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-91/fsc-9150/fr 9150-14-306-8379
Petrolatum 9150143068379 143068379,A36845 9150-14-306-8379 4+ Documents ( More... ) https/ https
Oils and Greases: Cutting, Lubricating, and Hydraulic from France (FR) | DAC: 4 30 Jan 1982 9150-14-306-8379
9150/fr 9150-14-375-0663 https//www.nsnlookup.com https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-91/fsc-9150/fr 9150-14-306-8379
Petrolatum 9150143068379 143068379,A36845 France (FR) | DAC: 4 30 Jan 1982 9150-14-306-8379 https
1975 9150-14-375-0663 Instrument Grease V0LTALEF90T100GRNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 30 Jan 1982 9150-14-306-8379
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5340-99-222-9340Spring Tension Clip5340992229340 992229340 A36845
-102-0 A36845-102-0 ISS 2 Y205-2037 A preformed item of semirigid material designed to retain, position
NumberManufacturerStatusA36845-102-0 ISS 2 K8081 - Ultra Pcs Limited (Replaced) Primary Buy RNCC 3 RNVC 2 DAC 2 A36845

9150-14-306-8379 Demil Restrictions 9150-14-306-8379


9150-14-306-8379 is a Petrolatum

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France (ZF)

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