Ball And Roller Bearing Grease
9150123205615 123205615 STABURAGS NBU 12 MF V001-1 KG STABURAGS NBU 12 MF 1 KG DOSE
A grease designed primarily for the lubrication of ball and roller bearings operating at constant or intermittent high temperatures. It does not include GREASE, AUTOMOTIVE AND ARTILLERY; GREASE, AIRCRAFT; GREASE, AIRCRAFT AND INSTRUMENT; GREASE, SILICONE INSULATED ELECTRIC MOTOR; and GREASE, ORDNANCE BEARING AND AMMUNITION. View more Ball And Roller Bearing Grease
Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 26 Jan 1990
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January 2023
January 2023
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Marketplace 9150-12-320-5615
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Related Documents 9150-12-320-5615 5+ Documents (More...)
STABURAGS NBU 12 MF V001-1 KG STABURAGS NBU 12 MF 1 KG DOSE A grease designed primarily for the lubrication
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Ball And Roller Bearing Grease 9150123205615 browser . 9150-12-320-5615Ball And Roller Bearing
Grease9150123205615 123205615 STABURAGS NBU 12 MF V001-1 KG Utility Grease 9150123310858123310858 Ball
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Ball And Roller Bearing Grease 9150123205615 browser . 9150-12-320-5615Ball And Roller Bearing
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Ball And Roller Bearing Grease 9150123205615 browser . 9150-12-320-5615Ball And Roller Bearing
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Ball And Roller Bearing Grease 9150123205615 browser . 9150-12-320-5615Ball And Roller Bearing
Grease9150123205615 123205615 STABURAGS NBU 12 MF V001-1 KG Utility Grease 9150123635496123635496 your
Ball And Roller Bearing Grease 9150123205615 browser . 9150-12-320-5615Ball And Roller Bearing
Grease9150123205615 123205615 STABURAGS NBU 12 MF V001-1 KG Utility Grease 9150123635496123635496 your
Restrictions 9150-12-320-5615
End Users 9150-12-320-5615
- Norway (ZT)
Approved Sources 9150-12-320-5615
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- Manufacturer
- D8375 - Kluber Lubrication Munchen Se & Co. (Active)
- Incomplete Reference
- Incomplete Reference
- V001-1 KG
- C0333 - Logistikkommando Der Bundeswehr (Obsolete)
- NATO Reference
- NATO Reference
- C2500 - Logistikkommando Der Bundeswehr (Obsolete)
- NATO Reference
- NATO Reference
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 9150-12-320-5615
9150-14-421-2406 9150-14-565-2106 9150-32-063-0428 9150-12-178-1279 9150-12-371-5473 9150-14-512-2583 9150-12-381-9891 9150-14-535-3123 9150-12-367-6227 9150-25-114-5356 9150-14-539-8107 9150-12-361-0294 9150-14-568-4592 9150-14-523-9084 9150-00-312-5761 9150-12-336-9761 9150-00-526-4205 9150-12-335-3212