
Sweet Rolls

8920332063816 332063816 04048 8410087004167

A sweet, ready-to-eat, small portion of bread of various shapes. It may be covered with icing, nuts and the like or filled as a jelly roll. View more Sweet Rolls

8920-33-206-3816 ROLLS,SWEET 8920332063816 332063816

Managed by Spain
NSN Created on 11 Dec 2007
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04048 8410087004167 A sweet, ready-to-eat, small portion of bread of various shapes.
8920-33-206-3816 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-89/fsc-8920/es 8920-33-206-3816
fsc-8920/es 8920-33-206-3816 Sweet Rolls 8920332063816 332063816,04048 Day 8920-33-206-3816 RQST NE Related
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-89/fsc-8920/us 8920-01-155-6992 Sweet Rolls 8920011556992 011556992 9046 8920-33-206-3816
Sweet Rolls 8920332063816 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-89/fsc-8920/es 8920-33-207-5588 Sweet Rolls
Sweet Rolls 8920332063816 332063816,04048 8920001241949 001241949 207-5588 8920-33-207-9046 https
Documents 8920-01-155-6992 5+ Documents ( More https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-89/fsc-8920/es 8920-33-206-3816
Sweet Rolls 8920332063816 332063816,04048 Sweet Rolls 8920011556992011556992 8920-33-205-7688 8920011556992
332063816,04048 011556992 011556992 349-8106 8920-01-195-7561 8920-33-207-5588 207-9046 8920-33-206-3816
//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-89/fsc-8920/us 8920-01-155-6992 Sweet Rolls 8920011556992 011556992 8920-33-206-3816
Rolls 8920332079046332079046,ETS 28/09 /fsc-8920/es 8920-33-207-5588 Sweet Rolls 8920332075588 8920-33-206-3816
Sweet Rolls 8920332063816 332063816,04048 8920-33-206-3816 RQST NE Related Documents https/ https
-01-424-2749 Sweet Rolls 8920014242749014242749 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-89/fsc-8920/es 8920-33-206-3816
Sweet Rolls 8920332063816 332063816,04048 Sweet Rolls 8920014242749014242749 Sweet Rolls 8920332063816
332063816,04048 011556992 Sweet Rolls 9046 8920-33-206-3816 Sweet Rolls 8920011556992 https//www.nsnlookup.com

8920-33-206-3816 Demil Restrictions 8920-33-206-3816


8920-33-206-3816 is a Sweet Rolls

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Spain (YB)

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