
Small Arms Protective Body Armor Vest

8470171244417 171244417 PRO8007-BACK

A vest that is designed to hold and position body armor insert(s) that protect the torso, front and/or back, from bullets of small caliber firearms such as pistols, carbines, rifles, and the like, including armor piercing projectiles. This vest includes body armor insert(s). For items not constructed of ballistic protective material and items that do not include body armor insert(s), see VEST (1), NON-BALLISTIC PROTECTIVE,ARMOR-CARRYING. View more Small Arms Protective Body Armor Vest

8470-17-124-4417 VEST,SMALL ARMS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOR 8470171244417 171244417

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NSN Created on 19 Jul 2012
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8470-17-124-4417 VEST,SMALL ARMS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOR 8470171244417 171244417 1/1
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