
Small Arms Protective Body Armor Vest Part

8470160065958 160065958 TBV09OGPDPP4 SHK-TBV09OGPDPP4 TP-5015G-01-2010/117

The outward textile parts of the protective vest such as back part, abdominal part and front part. Excludes INSERT, SMALL ARMS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOR. View more Small Arms Protective Body Armor Vest Part

8470-16-006-5958 VEST PART,SMALL ARMS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOR 8470160065958 160065958

Managed by Czechia
NSN Created on 29 Nov 2010
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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8470-16-006-5958 VEST PART,SMALL ARMS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOR 8470160065958 160065958 1/1
NSN 8470-16-006-5958 (Generic Image) 1/1

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TBV09OGPDPP4 SHK-TBV09OGPDPP4 TP-5015G-01-2010/117 The outward textile parts of the protective vest
8470-16-006-5958 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8470/cz 8470-16-006-5958
RQST Updated Every Day 8470-16-006-5958 RQST NE Related Documents 8470-16-006-5958 2+ Documents
Fragmentation Protective Body Armor TP-MOP-51-08/41 112-116RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 3 26 Feb 2009 8470-16-006-5958

8470-16-006-5958 Demil Restrictions 8470-16-006-5958


8470-16-006-5958 is a Small Arms Protective Body Armor Vest Part

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