
Small Arms Protective Body Armor Insert

8470219214024 219214024 DSSPM105-01

A component of body armor that is put into a frame, garment, or the like for the purpose of protecting specific parts of the body from bullets of firearms of small caliber, such as pistols, carbines, rifles, and the like, including armor piercing projectiles. It is usually removable for purposes of replacement. View more Small Arms Protective Body Armor Insert

8470-21-921-4024 INSERT,SMALL ARMS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOR 8470219214024 219214024

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8470-21-921-4024 INSERT,SMALL ARMS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOR 8470219214024 219214024 1/1
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DSSPM105-01 A component of body armor that is put into a frame, garment, or the like for the purpose
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