
Laundry Bag

8465982066436 982066436 NZFI0704001/BAG

A container made of flexible material. It is designed for collecting, transporting, and/or storing of clothing, bedding, and linens. It may have carrying handles, hanger straps, or means for attaching to a frame. View more Laundry Bag

8465-98-206-6436 BAG,LAUNDRY 8465982066436 982066436

Managed by New Zealand
NSN Created on 4 May 2007
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8465-98-206-6436 BAG,LAUNDRY 8465982066436 982066436 1/1
NSN 8465-98-206-6436 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Laundry Bag 8465982066436 982066436 Laundry Bag 8465982043249982043249 -3249 5+ Documents ( More
/fsg-84/fsc-8465/us 8465-00-286-5455 Laundry Bag 8465002865455 002865455 /fsg-84/fsc-8465/nz 8465-98-206-6436
Day 8465-33-190-0879 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8465/nz 8465-98-206-6436
Laundry Bag 8465982066436 982066436 -5671 Laundry Bag 8465660635671 660635671,8465-120 8465-00-
8465331900879331900879 A-A-1223 8465982066436982066436 004369656,A-A- https//www.nsnlookup.com 8465-98-206-6436
8465-66-063-5671 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg- https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8465/nz 8465-98-206-6436
Laundry Bag 8465982066436 982066436 002865455 /fsg-84/fsc-8465/nz 8465-98-206-6436 https//www.nsnlookup.com
8465-00-436-9652 8465-66-063-5671 8465/es 8465-33- 190-0879 Laundry Bag 8465331900879331900879 8465-98-206-6436
Laundry Bag 8465982066436 982066436 002865455 656-0816 8465-98-204-3249 8465-98-206-6436 8465-00
-436-9652 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg- 001220363,240PC 656-0816 8465-98-204-3249 8465-98-206-6436 436
-9652 8465-66-063-5671 A-A-1223 8465002865455 /fsg-84/fsc-8465/nz 8465-98-206-6436 https//www.nsnlookup.com

8465-98-206-6436 Demil Restrictions 8465-98-206-6436


8465-98-206-6436 is a Laundry Bag

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