
Award Ribbon Attachment

8455145678503 145678503 FD06/2004AGAFETRANSMISSIONS 919 202 00 00 RA3353

A device the design of which indicates an additional degree of award or a service recognition. It is to be affixed only to the ribbon of previous awards, such as medals, decorations, service ribbons, or the like, and is never worn alone. View more Award Ribbon Attachment

8455-14-567-8503 RIBBON ATTACHMENT,AWARD 8455145678503 145678503

Managed by France
NSN Created on 18 Apr 2011
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January 2023
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8455-14-567-8503 RIBBON ATTACHMENT,AWARD 8455145678503 145678503 1/1
NSN 8455-14-567-8503 (Generic Image) 1/1

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FD06/2004AGAFETRANSMISSIONS 919 202 00 00 RA3353 A device the design of which indicates an additional
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8455-14-567-8503 Demil Restrictions 8455-14-567-8503


8455-14-567-8503 is a Award Ribbon Attachment

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France (ZF)

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