
Distinguishing Mark

8455121390120 121390120 6609.03 TL8455-0092-B 342801012 TL8455-0092 8455-0092 8455-01402 67905A010

An embroidered device, worn on the right sleeve of naval enlisted personnel to indicate special qualifications apart from the duties of a person's rating, such as master diver, mount captain, and the like. Excludes BADGE, QUALIFICATION. View more Distinguishing Mark

8455-12-139-0120 DISTINGUISHING MARK 8455121390120 121390120

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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8455-12-139-0120 DISTINGUISHING MARK 8455121390120 121390120 1/1
NSN 8455-12-139-0120 (Generic Image) 1/1

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6609.03 TL8455-0092-B 342801012 TL8455-0092 8455-0092 8455-01402 67905A010 An embroidered device, worn
8455-12-139-0120 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8455/de 8455-12-139-0120
RQST Updated Every Day 8455-12-139-0120 RQST NE Related Documents 8455-12-139-0120 5+ Documents
-C1 TL8455-0092 8455-01402 67875A010 An embroidered device, worn on the right sleeve of naval enlisted
- Baainbw Technische Lieferbedingungen -C2 342801006 8455-0092 8455-0092 8455-01402 0092 //www.nsnlookup.com
8455-01402 0092 D9478 - Baainbw Technische Lieferbedingungen -C2 342801006 8455-0092 8455-0092 8455
-A 342801009 8455-0092 TL8455-0092 8455-01402 67890A010 An embroidered device, worn on the right
Distinguishing Mark 8455121390120 121390120 JavaScript in your web browser . 8455-12-139-0120Distinguishing
Mark8455121390120 121390120 6609.03 TL8455-0092 -B 342801012 TL8455-00928455-00928455-01402 67905A010
8455-12-139-0122 Distinguishing Mark 8455121390122 121390122 Mark8455121390122 121390122 6607.05 TL8455-0092
-C3 342801005 TL8455-0092 8455-0092 67870A010 8455-01402 0092 D9478 - Baainbw Technische Lieferbedingungen
Distinguishing Mark 8455121390120 121390120 /fsc-5950/it 5950-15-123-2313 Trasformatore 10Kva 5950151232313
8455-12-139-0122 Distinguishing Mark 8455121390122 121390122 Mark8455121390122 121390122 6607.05 TL8455-0092
-C3 342801005 TL8455-0092 8455-0092 67870A010 8455-01402 0092 D9478 - Baainbw Technische Lieferbedingungen
Distinguishing Mark 8455121390120 121390120 /fsc-5950/it 5950-15-123-2313 Trasformatore 10Kva 5950151232313

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