
Service Hat And Service Cap Insignia

8455131193622 131193622 4.05.495-ED12/04-KEPI-BRONZE-AC

An insignia to be affixed to the "service cap" or "service hat" to indicate organization, department, or corps. Excludes INSIGNIA, HAT and INSIGNIA, BRANCH OF SERVICE. View more Service Hat And Service Cap Insignia

8455-13-119-3622 INSIGNIA,SERVICE HAT AND SERVICE CAP 8455131193622 131193622

Managed by Belgium
NSN Created on 13 Apr 2006
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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8455-13-119-3622 INSIGNIA,SERVICE HAT AND SERVICE CAP 8455131193622 131193622 1/1
NSN 8455-13-119-3622 (Generic Image) 1/1

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3439-66-035-9990 2+ Documents ( More... ) https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8455/be 8455-13-119-3622
Service Hat And Service Cap Insignia 8455-13-119-3622Service Hat And Service Cap Insignia8455131193622 131193622
4.05.495-ED12/04-KEPI-BRONZE-AC Every Day 8455-13-119-3622 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com
611783 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8455/be https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8455/be 8455-13-119-3622
3402 Officer Rank Insignia 4.05.484-ED02/05-CPT DENTISTRNCC: 2 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 3 22 Mar 2006 8455-13-119-3622

8455-13-119-3622 Demil Restrictions 8455-13-119-3622


8455-13-119-3622 is a Service Hat And Service Cap Insignia

8455-13-119-3622 End Users End Users 8455-13-119-3622

Belgium (ZB)

8455-13-119-3622 Manufacturers Approved Sources 8455-13-119-3622

Part Number
B4093 - Mr Sys-M/E (Active)
Definitive Standard

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