
Service Shoes

8435991308920 991308920 S&TD/PS/1009-SIZE 3 1/2D 3611G SIZE 3 1/2D AFS SC 161-SIZE 3 1/2D 46051

Footwear, usually high quarter, designed to be worn by military personnel for work. Excludes SHOES, MEN'S and SHOES, WOMEN'S. View more Service Shoes

8435-99-130-8920 SHOES,SERVICE 8435991308920 991308920

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NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991
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S&TD/PS/1009-SIZE 3 1/2D 3611G SIZE 3 1/2D AFS SC 161-SIZE 3 1/2D 46051 Footwear, usually high quarter
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46051 ASSEMBLY,SPECIAL PURPOSE,ELECTRICAL 1 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details
B3854-46051 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991 Data Last Changed January 2023 NATO
/fsg-75/fsc-7520/de 7520-12-342-8485 Fixed Type Rubber Stamp 7520123428485,46051 Request Quotation 46051
LIGHT,EXTENSION 1 EA NS Request Quotation Updated Every Day 6230-00-521 B3854-46051 8485 Fixed Type
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8435/uk 8435-99-130-8920 Service Shoes 8435991308920 991308920
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B3854-46051 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991 Data Last Changed January 2023 NATO

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