
Cbr Protective Poncho

8415151949852 151949852 3102 (241)AD7113102

An item usually rectangular in shape with an opening centrally located to permit it to be slipped over the head. It may have a hood and provisions for side closure. It is designed to be worn by personnel in areas contaminated by chemical, biological and radioactive (CBR) agents. (Converted from AEUSA on 113020) View more Cbr Protective Poncho

8415-15-194-9852 PONCHO,CBR PROTECTIVE 8415151949852 151949852

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 14 Feb 2011
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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8415-15-194-9852 PONCHO,CBR PROTECTIVE 8415151949852 151949852 1/1
NSN 8415-15-194-9852 (Generic Image) 1/1

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3102 (241)AD7113102 An item usually rectangular in shape with an opening centrally located to permit
RQST NE Updated Every Day 8415-15-194-9852 RQST Updated Every Day 8415-15-194-9852 RQST NE Related Documents
8415-15-194-9852 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8415/it 8415-15-194-9852
Cbr Protective Poncho 8415151949852 151949852 8415-25-148-5886 8415-15 151949852 Cbr Protective
Cbr Protective Poncho 8415151949852 151949852 367-2004 8415-12-367-2096 8415-25-148-5886 Cbr Protective
151949852 Poncho 8415151808914151808914 8415251485886 151808914 8415251485886 -0026 8415-13-114-8933
Cbr Protective Poncho 8415151949852 151949852 Cbr Protective Poncho 8415251485886251485886 Cbr
Protective Poncho 8415151949852151949852 367-2004 8415-12-367-2096 8415-25-148-5886 8415-15 151949852
Cbr Protective Poncho 8415151949852 151949852 367-2004 8415-12-367-2096 8415-25-148-5886 Cbr Protective
151949852 Poncho https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8415/no 8415-25-148-5886 Cbr Protective Poncho
8415251485886 251485886 8415-15 151949852 Protective Poncho 8415151808914 151808914 8415251485886 251485886
151949852 Cbr Protective Poncho 8415151808914151808914 Poncho 8415131148933 131148933 12-367-2096 Cbr
Cbr Protective Poncho 8415151949852 151949852 Cbr Protective Poncho 8415151808914151808914 Poncho
8415131148933 131148933 12-367-2096 Cbr Protective Poncho 8415123672096 123672096 Poncho 8415151949852
151949852 Poncho 8415151808914151808914 8415251485886 151808914 8415251485886 251485886 700-0026 8415

8415-15-194-9852 Demil Restrictions 8415-15-194-9852


8415-15-194-9852 is a Cbr Protective Poncho

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Italy (ZR)

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