
Athlete's T-Shirt

8415500008869 500008869 41622.007-188/128 18322300-188/128

A knit pullover, outer garment worn by participants in athletic activities. The garment normally has quarter-length sleeves and is long enough to be tucked inside the waistband of trousers or pants. It may have a monogram, number, and/or lettering which is indicative of athletic activitiy. Do not use if a more specific item name applies. Excludes UNDERSHIRT (as modified) and JERSEY (as modified.) View more Athlete's T-Shirt

8415-50-000-8869 T-SHIRT,ATHLETE'S 8415500008869 500008869

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NSN Created on 2 Apr 2008
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8415-50-000-8869 T-SHIRT,ATHLETE'S 8415500008869 500008869 1/1
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41622.007-188/128 18322300-188/128 A knit pullover, outer garment worn by participants in athletic activities
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8415-50-000-8869 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8415/bg 8415-50-000-8869

8415-50-000-8869 Demil Restrictions 8415-50-000-8869


8415-50-000-8869 is a Athlete's T-Shirt

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Bulgaria (WU)

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