
Wet Weather Trousers

8415131193096 131193096 6580 A2F01 FY1 L

Trousers designed to be worn over outer clothing as a protection against driving rain, or sea spray, and may also be used with combat gear when handling explosives. View more Wet Weather Trousers

8415-13-119-3096 TROUSERS,WET WEATHER 8415131193096 131193096

Managed by Belgium
NSN Created on 1 Mar 2006
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January 2023
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8415-13-119-3096 TROUSERS,WET WEATHER 8415131193096 131193096 1/1
NSN 8415-13-119-3096 (Generic Image) 1/1

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6254Wet Weather Trousers8405991386254 991386254 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8415/be 8415-13-119-3096
Wet Weather Trousers 8415131193096 131193096 -3096 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com
/fsg-84/fsc-8415/be 8415-13-119-3096 8405-99-138-6254 lt 8415-47-000- 6091 Wet Weather Trousers 8415470006091
8415991357765 991357765 911-8586 8405-12-367-1559 / https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8415/be 8415-13-119-3096
Wet Weather Trousers 8415131193096 131193096 Trousers 8405131156192 131156192 8405-99-138-6254
911-8583 8405-17-118-4881 8415-98-207-7607 8415-21-911-8586 8405-12-367-1559 8415-99-978-7597 8415-13-119-3096

8415-13-119-3096 Demil Restrictions 8415-13-119-3096


8415-13-119-3096 is a Wet Weather Trousers

8415-13-119-3096 End Users End Users 8415-13-119-3096

Belgium (ZB)

8415-13-119-3096 Manufacturers Approved Sources 8415-13-119-3096

Part Number
6580 A2F01 FY1 L
B1366 - Sioen (Active)
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