
Woman's Overcoat Liner

8410510001240 510001240 2003/101 858145335208-T170/58

A removable garment designed to be worn under a woman's overcoat to provide additional warmth. It has means for attaching it to the outer garment. View more Woman's Overcoat Liner

8410-51-000-1240 LINER,WOMAN'S OVERCOAT 8410510001240 510001240

Managed by Hungary
NSN Created on 15 Jun 2005
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January 2023
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8410-51-000-1240 LINER,WOMAN'S OVERCOAT 8410510001240 510001240 1/1
NSN 8410-51-000-1240 (Generic Image) 1/1

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2003/101 858145335208-T170/58 A removable garment designed to be worn under a woman's overcoat to
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worn under a woman's overcoat to RQST NE Updated Every Day 8410-51-000-1240 RQST Updated Every Day 8410
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Woman's Overcoat Liner 8410510001240 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-84/fsc-8410/hu 8410-51-000-1240
2005 8410-51-000-1614 Woman's Skirt 858286335106-N170/92RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 3 12 Sep 2005 8410-51-000-1240

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8410-51-000-1240 is a Woman's Overcoat Liner

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Hungary (WH)

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