
Men's Shorts

8405226167300 226167300 1960-2210089092

An outer garment extending from the waist and reaching part way to the knees, covering each leg separately. They are designed for males past the age of physical maturity. They may be worn as a component of the military service tropical uniform. Excludes items normally worn for athletic activities. View more Men's Shorts

8405-22-616-7300 SHORTS,MEN'S 8405226167300 226167300

Managed by Denmark
NSN Created on 28 Feb 2008
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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8405-22-616-7300 SHORTS,MEN'S 8405226167300 226167300 1/1
NSN 8405-22-616-7300 (Generic Image) 1/1

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part way to the knees, covering RQST NE Updated Every Day 8405-22-616-7300 RQST Updated Every Day 8405

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8405-22-616-7300 is a Men's Shorts

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