
Footwear Component Cutting Die

8335219032359 219032359 356-87TOE CAP-4 1/2D

A device designed for either manual or machine use to cut out components for the manufacture of footwear. It has a cutting edge(s) and is in the form and size of the specific footwear component it is designed to produce. View more Footwear Component Cutting Die

8335-21-903-2359 DIE,CUTTING,FOOTWEAR COMPONENT 8335219032359 219032359

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NSN Created on 16 Oct 1987
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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8335-21-903-2359 DIE,CUTTING,FOOTWEAR COMPONENT 8335219032359 219032359 1/1
NSN 8335-21-903-2359 (Generic Image) 1/1

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8335-21-903-2359 is a Footwear Component Cutting Die

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