
Footwear Mold Set

8335219004569 219004569 DCGEM351-86

A grouping of items used in forming a material into an almost finished article of footwear. Each item has the form and size of the specific footwear article to be produced. View more Footwear Mold Set

8335-21-900-4569 MOLD SET,FOOTWEAR 8335219004569 219004569

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NSN Created on 12 Mar 1986
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January 2023
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8335-21-900-4569 MOLD SET,FOOTWEAR 8335219004569 219004569 1/1
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DAC: 9 25 Aug 1976 8335-21-872-4849 Footwear Last 392481RNCC: 4 | RNVC: 1 | DAC: 6 1 Sep 1976 8335-21-900-4569
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