
Quilted Cloth

8305123405704 123405704 TL8305-0172-E 217201003 TL8305-0172 9408.03 21720C010

A cloth consisting of two or three layers of fabric. One layer is made of wadding or non-woven cloth, affixed to the other layer(s) by stitching. It is primarily designed for the manufacture of outer clothing, and for linings in garments and other pieces of equipment to provide for additional warmth. View more Quilted Cloth

8305-12-340-5704 CLOTH,QUILTED 8305123405704 123405704

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TL8305-0172-E 217201003 TL8305-0172 9408.03 21720C010 A cloth consisting of two or three layers of fabric
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to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 8305-12-160-2010Quilted Cloth8305121602010 121602010 TL8305-0172
-B2 TL8305-0172 A cloth consisting of two or three layers of fabric.
Quilted Cloth 8305123405704 123405704 to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 8305-12-340-5704Quilted
0130 -BTL8305-0130 A cloth consisting of two https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-83/fsc-8305/de 8305-12-340-5704
Quilted Cloth 8305123405704 123405704 121273860 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-83/fsc-8305/de 8305
-12-340-5704 Quilted Cloth 8305123405704 123405704 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-83/fsc-8305/de 8305-
Every Day 6530-15-172-0172 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-83/fsc-8305/de 8305-12-340-5704
Quilted Cloth 8305123405704 123405704 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 8305-12-340-5704Quilted
Cloth8305123405704 123405704 TL8305-0172 -E 217201003 TL8305-0172 9408.03 21720C010 A cloth consisting
Quilted Cloth 8305123344932123344932 8305-12-166-3380 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-83/fsc-8305/de 8305-12-340-5704
Quilted Cloth 8305123405704 123405704 Quilted Cloth 8305121663380121663380 8305-12-173-0673 8305
334-4932 8305-17-116-3434 8305-12-172-9696 8305-12-173-0673 8305-12-160-2010 8305-12-166-3380 8305-12-340-5704

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