
Packaging Cushioning Material

8145144458672 144458672 4C01021404602 LH3490-010

A natural or synthetic material in the form of a resilient mass. It may be bulk material or may be molded or cut to predetermined dimensions; bound with any suitable material, such as elastic; used to protect items against vibrational shocks, impact shocks, and abrasion, for filling in packaging, and for absorbing liquids from containers broken in transit. For corrugated items, see FIBERBOARD, CORRUGATED. Excludes INSERT, PACKAGING. Do not use if a more specific item name is applicable. View more Packaging Cushioning Material

8145-14-445-8672 CUSHIONING MATERIAL,PACKAGING 8145144458672 144458672

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NSN Created on 27 Feb 1991
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4C01021404602 LH3490-010 A natural or synthetic material in the form of a resilient mass.
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8145144458672 Packaging Cushioning Material 8135997813699 81/fsc-8135/uk 8135-99-781-3699 Packaging
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8135/uk 8135-99-784-8620 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8145/fr 8145-14-445-8672
Packaging Cushioning Material 8145144458672 -14-445-8672 fsc https https//www.nsnlookup.com https
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Packaging Cushioning Material 8145144458672 Cushioning Material 8135992569276 Material 8135992569276
8135-12-186-5597 784-8620 8135-37-521-9899 8135-13-116-7843 8135997813699 Cushioning Material 8145144458672

8145-14-445-8672 Demil Restrictions 8145-14-445-8672


8145-14-445-8672 is a Packaging Cushioning Material

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