
Ammunition Box

8140144711925 144711925 8140-905-0012

A reusable wooden box of solid construction designed to accommodate and protect ammunition during storage, handling and/or shipment. It usually consists of two rectangular or square face sections, mounted on the bottom section. The lid may be mounted on a side or front section or may be attached to one side or front section by hinges, springs or the like; it may have one or more plain, durable locking devices to accommodate lead seals. Instead of a hinged lid, one or both side sections or front sections may be detachable. For increased stability and/or stacking capability, the item may be equipped with carrying facilities. For containers specifically designed for special items see CONTAINER, SHIPPING AND STORAGE (as modified). Excludes CRATE, SHIPPING AND STORAGE, AMMUNITION. View more Ammunition Box

8140-14-471-1925 BOX,AMMUNITION 8140144711925 144711925

Managed by France
NSN Created on 4 Aug 1994
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July 2023
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8140-14-471-1925 BOX,AMMUNITION 8140144711925 144711925 1/1
NSN 8140-14-471-1925 (Generic Image) 1/1

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8140-14-471-1925 4+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8140/fr 8140-14-471-1925
Day 8140-14-471-1925 RQST NE Related Documents 8140-14-471-1925 4+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com
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Ammunition Box 8140144711925 144711925 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com https
Ammunition and Nuclear Ordnance Boxes, Packages and Special Containers from France (FR) Aug 1977 8140-14-471-1925
Apr 2004 8140-14-344-2827 Hinge Torsion Bar T20-13B1635RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 1 10 Aug 1977 8140-14-471-1925

8140-14-471-1925 Demil Restrictions 8140-14-471-1925


8140-14-471-1925 is a Ammunition Box

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