
Solid Fiberboard

8135142490007 142490007 LETTRE888AVR65-115X96MM

A paperboard product consisting of two or more sheets of paperboard pasted together with a suitable adhesive to form a rigid sheet. View more Solid Fiberboard

8135-14-249-0007 FIBERBOARD,SOLID 8135142490007 142490007

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1968
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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8135-14-249-0007 FIBERBOARD,SOLID 8135142490007 142490007 1/1
NSN 8135-14-249-0007 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5483 Solid Fibreboard 8115991255483991255483 Solid Fiberboard 8135992245004 992245004 255-0000 8135 -14-249-0007
8115-99-125-5483 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8135/fr 8135-14-249-0007 Solid Fiberboard
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CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC https// https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8135/fr 8135-14-249-0007
Solid Fiberboard 8135142490007 142490007 8135992245007992245007 255-0000 8135-14-249-0007 224-5006
8135991338553 991338553 8135009264747 009264747 224-5005 8135-17-100-8895 225-1078 8135-14-255-0000 8135-14-249-0007
https 991338553 8135009264747 009264747 224-5005 8135-17-100-8895 225-1078 8135-14-255-0000 8135-14-249-0007
Solid Fiberboard 8135142490007 142490007 Solid Fiberboard 8135991338553991338553 1078 8135-14-255
8135-99-133-8553 https/ Solid Fiberboard 9310982036489 982036489 225-1078 8135 -14-255-0000 8135-14-249-0007
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