
Collapsible Fabric Drum

8110218744465 218744465 IPDESS23-6 S254RD539

A synthetic rubber coated fabric container, used primarily for transporting liquid fuels. It is designed in capacities ranging from 25 to 500 gallons (94.625 to 1892.5 liters). Excludes TANK, FABRIC, COLLAPSIBLE. View more Collapsible Fabric Drum

8110-21-874-4465 DRUM,FABRIC,COLLAPSIBLE 8110218744465 218744465

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NSN Created on 5 Apr 1977
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January 2023
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8110-21-874-4465 DRUM,FABRIC,COLLAPSIBLE 8110218744465 218744465 1/1
NSN 8110-21-874-4465 (Generic Image) 1/1

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IPDESS23-6 S254RD539 A synthetic rubber coated fabric container, used primarily for transporting liquid
8110-21-874-4465 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8110/ca 8110-21-874-4465
Fabric Drum 8110145477456,Z1977 Collapsible Fabric Drum 8110218744465 Day 8110-21-874-4465 RQST NE Related
Collapsible Fabric Drum 8110218744465 Day 8110-21-874-4465 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com
Collapsible Fabric Drum 8110218744465 8110-14-558-6723 8110-01-369-7666 8110-14-547-7456 https/
fsg-81/fsc-8110/fr 8110-14-422-0680 Collapsible Fabric Drum 8110144220680 /fsg-81/fsc-8110/ca 8110-21-874-4465
-00-900-8328 8110-14-552-8107 8110/us 8110-00-089-4505 Collapsible 369-7666 8110-14-547-7456 8110-21-874-4465
8110144220680 8110-14-552-8107 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8110/ca 8110-21-874-4465 Collapsible
Fabric Drum 8110218744465 8110-01-369-7666 8110-14-547-7456 8110-21-874-4465 https//www.nsnlookup.com
8328 8110-14-552-8107 14-422-0546 8110-14-422-0680 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8110/ca 8110-21-874-4465
Collapsible Fabric Drum 8110218744465 8110-01-369-7666 8110-14-547-7456 8110-21-874-4465 https/
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8110/us 8110-00-089-4505 Collapsible 369-7666 8110-14-547-7456 8110-21-874-4465
Updated Every Day 8110-14-560-0055 RQST NE Related https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8110/ca 8110-21-874-4465
Collapsible Fabric Drum 8110218744465 -042-7076 Collapsible Fabric Drum 8110140427076 https//www.nsnlookup.com
8110008135909 397-8504 8110-14-560-0055 https 8110-14-558-6723 8110-01-369-7666 8110-14-547-7456 8110-21-874-4465

8110-21-874-4465 Demil Restrictions 8110-21-874-4465


8110-21-874-4465 is a Collapsible Fabric Drum

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