
Paper Bag

8105251449827 251449827 9960.02

A container made of paper with single or duplex wall construction. The internal and/or external wall may have a surface treatment. It may have a square, satchel, flat, or preformed flat, square bottom. It is generally used for carrying items. For three or more wall construction see SACK, SHIPPING. View more Paper Bag

8105-25-144-9827 BAG,PAPER 8105251449827 251449827

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NSN Created on 4 Jan 1995
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8105-25-144-9827 BAG,PAPER 8105251449827 251449827 1/1
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8105-25-144-9827 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8105/no 8105-25-144-9827
Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02 8105-25-144-9827 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com
/fsg-81/fsc-8105/no 8105-25-144-9827 Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02 9960.02 A container made
Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02 8105-66-103-0855 8105-66-151-6092 https//www.nsnlookup.com
661030855,PA Paper Bag 8105991255433991255433 661030855,PA8105-66-103-0855 8105-66-151-6092 8105-25-144-9827
Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02 paper with single or duplex wall Paper Bag 8105251449827
8105-99-571-3444 /fsg-81/fsc-8105/no 8105-25-144-9827 Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02
0855 8105-66-151-6092 144-9827 8105-99-571-3444 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8105/no 8105-25-144-9827
Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02 /fsg-81/fsc-8105/no 8105-25-144-9827 Paper Bag 8105251449827
571-3444 8105991255433 991255429 332 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8105/no 8105-25-144-9827
Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02 Paper Bag 8105661030855661030855,PA Paper Bag 8105251449827
251449827,9960.02 Bag 8105994147404 8105-25-144-9827 /www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-81/fsc-8105/au 8105-66-
8105-99-414-7404 Paper Bag 8105994147404 994147404,6046 Paper Bag 8105661030855661030855,PA 8105-25-144-9827
571-3444 8105991255433 991255433 332-6437 5130-99-587-8272 8105-66-103-0855 Bag 8105994147404 8105-25-144-9827
Paper Bag 8105251449827 251449827,9960.02 Paper Bag 8105011712849011712849 103-0855 8105 https/

8105-25-144-9827 Demil Restrictions 8105-25-144-9827


8105-25-144-9827 is a Paper Bag

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