
Sealing Compound

8030218798411 218798411

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 8030-01-127-8281

A chemical composition formulated for coating or for filling voids, cracks, joints or seams of objects and/or materials to exclude foreign matter and/or prevent the transmission of fluids therethrough. It is not designed to act as a primer coating or to be sanded or ground after application. It cannot be wiped off. For items which are specifically compounded to provide electrical insulating characteristics, use INSULATING COMPOUND, ELECTRICAL. Excludes CAULKING COMPOUND; GASKET CEMENT; CORROSION PREVENTIVE COMPOUND; CEMENT, IRON AND STEEL; PLUMBING FIXTURE SETTING COMPOUND; PRESERVATIVE COATING, RUBBER and textile treating compounds. View more Sealing Compound

8030-21-879-8411 SEALING COMPOUND 8030218798411 218798411

Managed by Canada
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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8030-21-879-8411 SEALING COMPOUND 8030218798411 218798411 1/1
NSN 8030-21-879-8411 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Restrictions 8030-21-879-8411 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC
Sealing Compound 8030218798411218798411 CA) 865-6923 Caulking Compound 8030-21-879-8411 https/
from Canada (CA) 865-6923 Caulking Compound https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-879-8411
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www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-112-7436 Sealing Compound 8030211127436211127436 8030-21-879-8411
21-880-6107 879-8411 Sealing Compound 8030-21-857-8458 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-879-8411
Sealing Compound 8030218798411 218798411 8030-21-857-8458 Sealing Compound 8030218578458218578458
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-112-7436 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-879-8411
Compound https/ Sealing Compound 8030-21-865-6923 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-879-8411
Sealing Compound 8030218798411 218798411 CA) 865-6923 Caulking Compound 8030-21-879-8411 https/
Request Related Documents 8030-21-804-0106 Compound https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-879-8411
Sealing Compound 8030218798411 218798411 Compound 8030-21-879-8411 Sealing Compounds from https

8030-21-879-8411 Demil Restrictions 8030-21-879-8411


8030-21-879-8411 is a Sealing Compound

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