
Electrical Insulating Compound

8030215794952 215794952

A pre-mixed chemical composition which is specifically compounded to provide electrical insulating characteristics. The item includes such forms as liguids, paste, crystal, or solids which are designed to be melted or changed in configuration prior to usage, or when applied. For items with two or more separate chemical materials, see INSULATING COMPOUND KIT, ELECTRICAL. For items not specifically compounded to provide electrical insulating characteristics, see SEALING COMPOUND. Excludes INSULATING OIL, ELECTRICAL and INSULATING VARNISH, ELECTRICAL. View more Electrical Insulating Compound

8030-21-579-4952 INSULATING COMPOUND,ELECTRICAL 8030215794952 215794952

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8030-21-579-4952 INSULATING COMPOUND,ELECTRICAL 8030215794952 215794952 1/1
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8030-21-579-4952 Compound 8030215794952 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 8030-21-579-4952Electrical
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-579-4952 Electrical Insulating Compound 8030215794952
Electrical Insulating Compound 8030215794952 Sealing Compounds from Canada (CA) 8030-21-102-9113
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Preservative and Sealing Compounds from Canada (CA) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-579-4952
Electrical Insulating Compound 8030215794952 4952 Electrical Insulating Compound 8030215794952
CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-579-4952
Electrical Insulating Compound 8030215794952 Related Documents 8030-21-579-4952 8030-21-102-9113
Solvent Type Bituminous Coating Compound 8030-21-579-2019 Caulking Compound 8030-21-579-4952 https//
8030-21-842-7230 2+ Documents ( More... ) https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-80/fsc-8030/ca 8030-21-579-4952
Electrical Insulating Compound 8030215794952 Sealing Compounds from Canada (CA) 8030-21-102-9113
Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Related Documents 8030-21-842-7230 Compound 8030-21-579-4952
8030-21-102-9113 Solvent Type Bituminous Coating Compound 8030-21-579-2019 Caulking Compound 8030-21-579-4952

8030-21-579-4952 Demil Restrictions 8030-21-579-4952


8030-21-579-4952 is a Electrical Insulating Compound

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