
Paint Roller

8020332057815 332057815 R213518

An item consisting of a frame, a rotating roller, and a handle. The rotating roller may be covered with material such as fabric or lambs wool, or it may be designed to accept a removable COVER, PAINT ROLLER. It is used for applying coatings, such as paint, to surfaces. View more Paint Roller

8020-33-205-7815 ROLLER,PAINT 8020332057815 332057815

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NSN Created on 23 Mar 2007
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Paint Roller 8020332057815332057815,R213518 Paint Roller 8020332057815332057815,R213518 RQST NE Updated
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Paint Roller 8020332057815 332057815,R213518 8020332057815332057815,R213518 RQST NE Updated https
26 Dec 2005 8020-33-211-4100 Paint Roller Frame 001140RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 3 23 Oct 2013 8020-33-205-7815

8020-33-205-7815 Demil Restrictions 8020-33-205-7815


8020-33-205-7815 is a Paint Roller

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Spain (YB)

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8020-33-205-7815 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 8020-33-205-7815