
Scratch Wire Brush

7920991255668 991255668 BS2939-TABLE 5 REF. NO. JS2 DEFSTAN79-6 F1FA10720 BS2939

An item having a wire fill section made with round wire inset in a wooden block which may have a handle. It is designed for removing loose paint, rust, and the like. View more Scratch Wire Brush

7920-99-125-5668 BRUSH,WIRE,SCRATCH 7920991255668 991255668

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JS2 DEFSTAN79-6 F1FA10720 BS2939 An item having a wire fill section made with round wire inset in a wooden
7920-99-125-5668 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-79/fsc-7920/uk 7920-99-125-5668
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