Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets: Home Type - Hungary (HU)

Federal Supply Class (FSC): 7730

NATO Supply Classification Class (NSC): 7730

Federal Supply Group (FSG): 77 Musical Instruments, Phonographs, and Home-Type Radios

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG): 77 Musical Instruments, Phonographs, and Home-Type Radios

Items Managed by Hungary (HU) - NCB is 51

NSN Format for Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets: Home Type
Codified by Hungary

Federal Supply Class

NATO Supply Class 7730 falls under NATO Supply Group 77, which is dedicated to Musical Instruments, Phonographs, And Home-Type Radios.

NATO Supply Class 7730 specifically focuses on Phonographs, Radios, And Television Sets of the Home Type. This class includes various types of audio and visual equipment commonly used in households.

Phonographs, also known as record players, are devices used to play vinyl records. They typically consist of a turntable, tonearm, and a cartridge or stylus to read the grooves on the record.

Radios are electronic devices that receive and transmit radio signals, allowing users to listen to various radio stations. Home-type radios are designed for personal use within a household.

Television sets, commonly referred to as TVs, are electronic devices that receive and display broadcasted television signals. They provide visual and audio content for entertainment purposes.

NATO Supply Class 7730 encompasses a wide range of home audio and visual equipment, including different models, sizes, and functionalities. It is important to note that this classification is used by NATO for procurement and supply chain management purposes.

If you need more specific information or assistance with any particular aspect of this supply class, please let me know.

FSC 7730 Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets: Home Type - Hungary (HU)
FSC 7730 Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets: Home Type - Hungary (HU)

Includes Combination Sets.

Excludes Coin Operated Phonographs; Wire and Tape Recorders.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 7730 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 7730

What is Federal Supply Class 7730?
FSC 7730 is the Federal Supply Class (formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 7730) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets: Home Type.
What is NATO Supply Classification Class 7730?
NSC 7730 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 7730 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets: Home Type.
Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 7730 in?
FSC 7730 is in Federal Supply Group (FSG) 77 which contains Musical Instruments, Phonographs, and Home-Type Radios.
Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 7730 in?
NSC 7730 is in NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG) 77 which contains Musical Instruments, Phonographs, and Home-Type Radios.

Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 7730 Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 7730

What is a Television Receiver? 16 Items
A Television Receiver (RECEIVER,TELEVISION) is a receiver for the display of signals propagated by a television transmitting set. May include audio channel. For items that do not include radio frequency components, see MONITOR, TELEVISION. See also INDICATOR, VIDEO.

Stock Items From Supply Class 7730 Stock Items From Supply Class 7730 Page 1 of 1

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