
Continuous Flat Fold Tabulating Machine Paper

7530143048546 143048546 LZB1-64-280X400

A continuous flat fold sprocket feed paper item 6 inches (152.4 mm) or over wide, for use on a tabulating machine. It is perforated at the folds. It may be composed of one sheet (one part) or more than one sheet (two parts, three parts, etc.) interleaved with one time carbon paper and may have imprinted column headings and/or form title. It may have one or more parts (sheets) gummed on one side. See also PAPER, TABULATING MACHINE, SHEET. Excludes PAPER, TELETYPEWRITER, CONTINUOUS FLAT FOLD. View more Continuous Flat Fold Tabulating Machine Paper

7530-14-304-8546 PAPER,TABULATING MACHINE,CONTINUOUS FLAT FOLD 7530143048546 143048546

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NSN Created on 1 Jan 1974
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7530-14-304-8546 PAPER,TABULATING MACHINE,CONTINUOUS FLAT FOLD 7530143048546 143048546 1/1
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LZB1-64-280X400 A continuous flat fold sprocket feed paper item 6 inches (152.4 mm) or over wide, for
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7530-14-304-8546 is a Continuous Flat Fold Tabulating Machine Paper

7530-14-304-8546 Manufacturers Approved Sources 7530-14-304-8546

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