
Straight Trimmers Shears

7520151591228 151591228 PN UAS 00049052 7520F76039894

Shears with two sharp pointed blades or with one sharp pointed blade and one round pointed blade. The item has one ring shaped grip, designed for a single finger, and one loop shaped grip, designed for two or more fingers. The point of contact of the finger grips is on the longitudinal axis. Excludes SHEARS, TAILOR'S. View more Straight Trimmers Shears

7520-15-159-1228 SHEARS,STRAIGHT TRIMMERS 7520151591228 151591228

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 31 Mar 2004
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PN UAS 00049052 7520F76039894 Shears with two sharp pointed blades or with one sharp pointed blade and
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/fsg-75/fsc-7520/it 7520-15-159-1228 RQST NE Updated Every Day 7520-15-159-1228 RQST Updated Every Day

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7520-15-159-1228 is a Straight Trimmers Shears

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Italy (ZR)

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