
Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape

7510218760907 218760907 3086 7510-4616

A flexible item in roll form, six inches (152.4mm) 0r less in width, designed to be affixed to an object by adhesion. It does not contain coding signification, legendary characters, or printed data of any type. Includes masking tape. Excludes TAPE, ADHESIVE, RUBBER; TAPE, INSULATION, ELECTRICAL; TAPE, SEMI-CONDUCTING, ELECTRICAL; and TAPE, SHIELDING, ELECTRICAL. View more Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape

7510-21-876-0907 TAPE,PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE 7510218760907 218760907

Managed by Canada
NSN Created on 31 May 1977
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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7510-21-876-0907 TAPE,PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE 7510218760907 218760907 1/1
NSN 7510-21-876-0907 (Generic Image) 1/1

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7510-21-876-0907 Related Documents Related Documents 7510-21-876-0907 1+ Documents (More...)

3086 7510-4616 A flexible item in roll form, six inches (152.4mm) 0r less in width, designed to be affixed
RQST NE Updated Every Day 7510-21-876-0907 RQST Updated Every Day 7510-21-876-0907 RQST NE Related Documents
7510-21-876-0907 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-75/fsc-7510/ca 7510-21-876-0907

7510-21-876-0907 Demil Restrictions 7510-21-876-0907


7510-21-876-0907 is a Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape

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