Includes Crayons; Erasers; File Holders; Writing Ink; Printing Ink; Paper Fasteners; Pencils; Penholders and Pen Points; Rulers, Office Type; Art Supplies; Tape, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive.
Excludes Office Devices; Fountain Pens; Artists' Brushes; Paper Stationery; Record Forms; Mechanical Pencils.
Additional Information for Office Supplies
NATO Supply Class 7510 is a classification within NATO Supply Group 75, which is dedicated to office supplies and devices.
NATO Supply Class 7510 specifically focuses on office supplies, including items such as paper products, writing instruments, binders, folders, envelopes, labels, and other similar items commonly used in office settings.
This classification is used by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to categorize and standardize the procurement and supply of office supplies across member countries. It helps ensure consistency and compatibility in the acquisition and distribution of these items among NATO forces.
By using NATO Supply Class 7510, organizations within NATO can easily identify and procure the necessary office supplies needed for their operations. It streamlines the procurement process and facilitates efficient logistics management within the alliance.
It's important to note that this classification system is specific to NATO and may not be applicable outside of the organization. However, it provides a standardized framework that can be used as a reference for office supply procurement in other contexts as well.
NSN by Country
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 7510
- What is Federal Supply Class 7510?
- FSC 7510 is the Federal Supply Class(formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 7510) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Office Supplies.
- What is NATO Supply Classification Class 7510?
- NSC 7510 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 7510 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Office Supplies.
- Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 7510 in?
- FSC 7510 is in Federal Supply Group(FSG) 75 which contains .
- Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 7510 in?
- NSC 7510 is in NATO Supply Classification Group(NSG) 75 which contains .
Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 7510
- Paperweight 14 Items
- What is a Printing Ink? 475 Items
- Ink,Marking Stencil 309 Items
- Eradicator,Ink 11 Items
- What is a Steel Eraser? 14 Items
- A Steel Eraser (ERASER,STEEL) is an item with a handle having a fixed arrowhead shaped blade or a fixed knifelike blade having a half arrowhead, designed for scraping out ink lines on tracing cloth or paper.
- Shield,Erasing 10 Items
- Holder,Binder Label 40 Items
- Holder,Desk Tray Label 13 Items
- What is an Address Plate Machine Metal Plate? 15 Items
- An Address Plate Machine Metal Plate (PLATE,METAL,ADDRESS PLATE MACHINE) is a blank metal item on which names, addresses, and the like may be embossed. It is designed for attaching to a FRAME, MOUNTING, ADDRESS PLATE to be used on an ADDRESS PLATE MACHINE.
- What is a Penholder? 32 Items
- A Penholder is a device designed to hold a PEN POINT for writing by hand.
- What is a Marking Crayon? 143 Items
- A Marking Crayon (CRAYON,MARKING) is a marking device in stick form composed of one material or various materials, such as soapstone, wax, graphite, clay and binder. It may contain pigments for color. It may have a paper sleeve. It is never encased in wood or other rigid inclosure. For similar items encased in wood or other rigid inclosure see PENCIL (as modified). It is designed for use on such materials as paper, hot or cold metals, ice, skin, ceramics, lumber, and the like. Excludes CHALK,MARKING. See also CRAYON ASSORTMENT,MARKING,COLORED and PAINT STICK,MARKING.
- What is a Pencil? 932 Items
- A Pencil is excludes PENCIL, MECHANICAL and CRAYON, MARKING.
- What is a Pen Point? 274 Items
- A Pen Point is a device of steel, gold or other material(s), usually formed with a split point. When inserted in a holder, it is used for writing, drawing, shading, and the like with ink or a similar fluid.
- What is a Pencil Pointer? 43 Items
- A Pencil Pointer is a paddle, usually of wood, covered with an abrasive agent, used to point pencil lead.
- What is a Paper Clip? 302 Items
- A Paper Clip (CLIP,PAPER) is excludes FASTENER, PAPER.
- What is a Paper Fastener? 195 Items
- A Paper Fastener (FASTENER,PAPER) is excludes CLIP, PAPER and paper clamps.
- What is a Straight Pin? 71 Items
- A Straight Pin (PIN,STRAIGHT) is a small, thin, pointed, and headed piece of brass or other wire, used for fastening clothes and attaching papers. The head may be bead shaped, oval or common shaped, T-shaped, and the like. Excludes PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADED.
- Eraser,Blackboard 37 Items
- What is a Rubber Eraser? 271 Items
- A Rubber Eraser (ERASER,RUBBER) is includes composition rubber and abrasive erasers. Excludes ERASER, MECHANICAL PENCIL and ERASER, MECHANICAL.
- Correction Fluid,Duplicating Machine Stencil 14 Items
- Sealing Wax 24 Items
- What is a Mechanical Eraser? 33 Items
- A Mechanical Eraser (ERASER,MECHANICAL) is a slender, tubelike holder containing a filler of rubber or fiberglass which is actuated by a propel-repel mechanism used in making erasures in typing, drawing and on fluid duplicator masters and various offset masters. Excludes ERASER, MECHANICAL PENCIL and ERASER, RUBBER.
- What is a Rubber Stamp Inking Pad? 318 Items
- A Rubber Stamp Inking Pad (INKING PAD,RUBBER STAMP) is an item consisting of an ink absorbent pad in a covered container. For refills, see INKING PAD REFILL, RUBBER STAMP.
- Brush,Typewriter 26 Items
- What is a Loose-Leaf Binder? 2028 Items
- A Loose-Leaf Binder (BINDER,LOOSE-LEAF) is excludes visible index filing equipment.
- What is an Index Tab? 174 Items
- An Index Tab (TAB,INDEX) is a projection which is fastened to a card or page by clamps or adhesion and is used to identify segregations in file material. It is usually a permanent marker. Excludes TAB, SIGNAL and TAB SET, INDEX.
- Calendar,Wall 225 Items
- Calendar,Pad 193 Items
- What is a Water Color? 111 Items
- A Water Color is a composition of coloring matter formulated primarily for artist use in fine art, show card, poster, air brush and designer work. Excludes India ink sticks, and INK (as modified).
- Clay,Modeling 46 Items
- Rubber Band 276 Items
- What is an Ink Thinner? 40 Items
- An Ink Thinner (THINNER,INK) is a nonspecific thinner for inks used in printing on stamp pads and/or for stenciling. It is used to thin inks, soften and revive the surface of a stamp pad. When a specific chemical, see specific chemical name.
- What is a Loose-Leaf Binder Ring? 101 Items
- A Loose-Leaf Binder Ring (RING,LOOSE-LEAF BINDER) is a hinged metal circlet with interlocking teeth. It is used primarily for securing perforated sheets, binders, and the like, in such a manner that they may be easily turned and/or removed.
- What is a Marking Chalk? 111 Items
- A Marking Chalk (CHALK,MARKING) is a solid item used for marking, made of calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate and a suitable binder, capable of producing clear marks which can be completely erased. See also CHALK ASSORTMENT, MARKING, COLORED. Excludes CHALK, LINE MARKING, POWDER.
- What is a Portfolio? 208 Items
- A Portfolio is an item of flexible or nonflexible material used for carrying papers, prints, or similar documents. The nonflexible material type is a booklike item, the covers bound together at one edge. The flexible material type may open on one, two, or three sides, and may be equipped with a ring binder, handles, and/or pockets. The item may be kept closed by tie strings, slide fasteners, or other devices to hold the item in a closed position. Excludes BRIEF CASE and ENVELOPE, WALLET.
- What is a Signal Tab? 192 Items
- A Signal Tab (TAB,SIGNAL) is a small device, with or without a projection which clips or slides on the margin of a card or page and is used to direct attention to the record or specific data thereon. It may be readily changed to indicate changing conditions of the record. See also TAB SET, SIGNAL. Excludes TAB, INDEX.
- What is a Rubber Finger Pad? 50 Items
- A Rubber Finger Pad (FINGER PAD,RUBBER) is a rubber, thimble like pad used on fingers or thumbs to facilitate the manipulation of paper.
- What is an Automatic List Finder Refill? 14 Items
- An Automatic List Finder Refill is a roll of tape or set of cards, alphabetically lettered, used for listing addresses, phone numbers, etc.
- What is a Typewriter Pad? 24 Items
- A Typewriter Pad (PAD,TYPEWRITER) is a cushion of felt, rubber, or similar material used under a typewriter in order to absorb sound and vibration.
- Post,Ledger And Binder 143 Items
- What is a Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape? 5711 Items
- A Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape (TAPE,PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE) is a flexible item in roll form, six inches (152.4mm) 0r less in width, designed to be affixed to an object by adhesion. It does not contain coding signification, legendary characters, or printed data of any type. Includes masking tape. Excludes TAPE, ADHESIVE, RUBBER; TAPE, INSULATION, ELECTRICAL; TAPE, SEMI-CONDUCTING, ELECTRICAL; and TAPE, SHIELDING, ELECTRICAL.
- What is a Thumbtack? 40 Items
- A Thumbtack is an item consisting of a sharp pointed pin with a head securely mounted thereon, and/or an item consisting of a sharp pointed metal pin stamped out of a flat metal head, and integral therewith. Its primary use is to attach various materials (sheet form) to drawing boards, bulletin boards, and the like. Excludes MAPTACK; PLOTTING PIN; and PLOTTING NEEDLE.
- Pushpin 29 Items
- What is a Map Tack? 97 Items
- A Map Tack (TACK,MAP) is an item consisting of a sharp pointed shaft with a head securely mounted thereon. The shaft shall be of carbon steel with a head of glass, metal or plastic, usually colored. Its primary use is for identifying and marking specific points on maps and charts. Excludes PLOTTING NEEDLE and PLOTTING PIN.
- What is an Office Type Paper Fastening Staple Wire? 30 Items
- An Office Type Paper Fastening Staple Wire (WIRE,PAPER FASTENING STAPLE,OFFICE TYPE) is a self contained fastening device that uses sticher wire. It is specifically designed to form a STAPLE when installed or used together with a copier or other machinery for automatic stapling.
- Staples,Paper Fastening,Office Type 265 Items
- What is a Visible Record Index Strip? 53 Items
- A Visible Record Index Strip (INDEX STRIP,VISIBLE RECORD) is a flexible indexing strip designed to fit visible record frames, and having a surface suitable for printing, typing, or writing. It is of veneer construction faced on both sides with paper and scored for stripping.
- Insert,Index Tab 55 Items
- What is a Lithographic Varnish? 25 Items
- A Lithographic Varnish (VARNISH,LITHOGRAPHIC) is a heat bodied drying oil used specifically for thinning or adding body to printing inks.
- Inking Pad Refill,Rubber Stamp 17 Items
- Pencil Assortment,Colored 120 Items
- What is a Field Office Supply Set? 39 Items
- A Field Office Supply Set (OFFICE SUPPLY SET,FIELD) is an assortment of supplies which may include a typewriter, typewriter ribbons, paper, pens, pencils, ink, duplicating ink, hand cleaner, writing pads, prescription pads, and the like. They may be packed in a chest for storage, portability, and expeditious conveyance.
- What is a Direct Process Duplicating Fluid? 12 Items
- A Direct Process Duplicating Fluid (DUPLICATING FLUID,DIRECT PROCESS) is a compound of one or more basic chemicals with suitable retardants. When of a specific chemical, see specific chemical name.
- What is a Paste Brush? 16 Items
- A Paste Brush (BRUSH,PASTE) is an item made to apply or spread a vegetable type adhesive. Excludes BRUSH, ADHESIVE.
- What is a Powder Line Marking Chalk? 38 Items
- A Powder Line Marking Chalk (CHALK,LINE MARKING,POWDER) is a powdered nonhardening and noncaking item for use in a mechanic's chalk line box, dressmaker's hemline machine, and the like. Excludes CHALK, MARKING.
- Ink,Check Signature Machine 12 Items
- What is a Laundry Marking Ink? 19 Items
- A Laundry Marking Ink (INK,MARKING,LAUNDRY) is excludes INK, MARKING, PARACHUTE.
- Ink,Marking,Parachute 12 Items
- Ink,Recording Instrument 325 Items
- What is a Colored Marking Chalk Assortment? 28 Items
- A Colored Marking Chalk Assortment (CHALK ASSORTMENT,MARKING,COLORED) is a group of different colored marking chalk sticks. See CHALK, MARKING.
- What is a Marking Paint Stick? 87 Items
- A Marking Paint Stick (PAINT STICK,MARKING) is a semihard product in stick form, composed of pigment(s) and vehicle or carrying agent. It is used to mark objects or surfaces. Resists destruction by high temperatures, oil and weather elements. It has a similar degree of legibility and permanency as liquid paint. Excludes CRAYON, MARKING.
- What is a Recording Instrument Ink Set? 16 Items
- A Recording Instrument Ink Set (INK SET,RECORDING INSTRUMENT) is two or more bottles or cartridges containing specially prepared ink(s) for use in various recording machines.
- What is an Index Tab Set? 95 Items
- An Index Tab Set (TAB SET,INDEX) is a set consisting of two or more TAB, INDEX with different legends either imprinted or as separable inserts.
- What is a Rubber Band Assortment? 15 Items
- A Rubber Band Assortment is a group of rubber bands of various sizes.
- What is a Transparent Envelope? 171 Items
- A Transparent Envelope (ENVELOPE,TRANSPARENT) is an envelope, made from a transparent material, usually of the open end type construction with noncorrosive metal hanging eyelet(s). It is generally used to protect blue prints, work orders, invoices, and routing data during handling, filing, and storage. Excludes ENVELOPE, MAILING; ENVELOPE, PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVES; HOLDER, CARD-LABEL; and BAG (as modified).
- Ink,Duplicating Machine Stencil 60 Items
- What is a Loose-Leaf Binder And Filler? 73 Items
- A Loose-Leaf Binder And Filler (BINDER AND FILLER,LOOSE-LEAF) is an item which includes binder covers and paper or plastic fillers. The plastic fillers may have pockets for insertion of documents, charts, and the like. It may have binder rings, a plastic binding element, tie string, or prong type fasteners. It may also contain index sheet(s).
- What is a Pastel Stick Assortment? 22 Items
- A Pastel Stick Assortment is two or more colored sticks for drawing, made of true artist's dry pigments (commercially pure) and a suitable binder.
- What is a Drawing Ink? 268 Items
- What is a Writing Ink? 116 Items
- A Writing Ink (INK,WRITING) is an item used for ordinary office purposes, and/or for permanent records. Excludes INK, DRAWING.
- Ink,Numbering Machine 27 Items
- What is a Stamp Pad Ink? 174 Items
- What is a Type Cleaner? 37 Items
- A Type Cleaner is an item in liquid, plastic or sheet form used to remove ink, dirt, erasure dust, and the like from type on typewriters and similar printing equipment.
- What is a Liquid Pen Cleaner? 23 Items
- A Liquid Pen Cleaner (PEN CLEANER,LIQUID) is a liquid designed to remove dried inks from drawing and lettering pens.
- What is a Graphite Pencil Lead? 262 Items
- A Graphite Pencil Lead (LEAD,PENCIL,GRAPHITE) is a writing or marking medium, whose basic ingredient is graphite, for use in mechanical pencils or other marking devices in which lead is replaceable.
- What is a Colored Pencil Lead? 171 Items
- A Colored Pencil Lead (LEAD,PENCIL,COLORED) is a writing or marking medium whose basic ingredients are pigment and clay, or pigment and wax, for use in a mechanical pencil.
- What is an Etching Point? 11 Items
- An Etching Point is an item similar in design to a pen point, designed to be used with a standard penholder. It must have a point, such as an arrowhead, ground and sharpened for use in cutting, erasing, retouching and the like.
- What is an Office Record File Set? 88 Items
- An Office Record File Set (FILE SET,OFFICE RECORD) is a group of items consisting of record books, index cards, file folders, and miscellaneous items such as paper fasteners, sponge cups, and the like for use in the establishment of different types of office files.
- What is an Investigation Outfit? 16 Items
- An Investigation Outfit is a group of items consisting of a FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION KIT, and miscellaneous items such as a flashlight and the like.
- What is a Pen Point And Penholder? 20 Items
- A Pen Point And Penholder is one or more identical pen point(s) with a holder.
- What is a Pen Point Assortment? 21 Items
- A Pen Point Assortment is two or more PEN POINT of different sizes and/or types. It does not include penholder. See also PEN POINT ASSORTMENT AND PENHOLDER.
- Ink,Duplicating,Lithographic Process 61 Items
- What is a Note Pad Binder? 87 Items
- A Note Pad Binder (BINDER,NOTE PAD) is an item designed to hold a filler of paper sheets in pad form. It may have a pocket or spring mechanism for retaining the filler.
- Ink,Marker,Felt Tip 60 Items
- What is a Paper File Backer? 28 Items
- A Paper File Backer (FILE BACKER,PAPER) is a single paperboard sheet, usually of kraft or manila stock. It has a prong fastener, mounted on one end for holding papers.
- What is a Plastic Binding Element? 219 Items
- A Plastic Binding Element (BINDING ELEMENT,PLASTIC) is an item consisting of plastic rings and a back, of either one-piece or two-piece construction. One-piece construction consists of a plastic strip as a back from which a number of curved rings extend for insertion into elongated holes in the paper. Two-piece construction consists of a separate ring section which fits into elongated holes in the paper and a back section which slides over the ring section and double-locks both ends of each ring. It acts as a loose-leaf binder and is generally used as a binder for catalogs and the like.
- What is a Book Pocket? 14 Items
- A Book Pocket (POCKET,BOOK) is a paper item made to hold library charge-out cards and the like.
- What is a Printing Ink Extender? 18 Items
- A Printing Ink Extender (EXTENDER,PRINTING INK) is a mixture with a printing-ink paste consistency compounded chiefly for lightening or reducing the strength of all colors.
- What is a Pen And Ink Kit? 16 Items
- A Pen And Ink Kit is a group of items such as draftsman's pen(s), etching pen(s), fountain lettering pen(s), mapping pen(s), and/or the like, and drawing ink(s), marking ink(s), and/or writing ink(s). It may contain correction fluids, liquid pen cleaner, pen wiper(s), writing board and instruction pamphlet.
- What is a Correction Paper? 11 Items
- A Correction Paper (PAPER,CORRECTION) is an item over 6 inches in width having a pressure sensitive adhesive coating on one or both sides, protected with a backing sheet. It may be perforated for a sprocket feed mechanism. It is used for making corrections on proof copies and the like. Excludes PAPER, MASKING (as modified); and TAPE, PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE.
- What is a Line Cut Screen? 152 Items
- A Line Cut Screen (SCREEN,LINE CUT) is a sheet of clear flexible material such as plastic, glassine or the like, with a pressure sensitive backing, having precision patterns with designs of lines, dots, checks, figures, letters and the like. It is used to overlay on line drawings, maps, poster displays, reproductions and the like. For items of transparent or opaque flexible material without precision patterns or designs, see DRY TRANSFER SHEET and SCREEN COLOR OVERLAY. Excludes SCREEN, HALFTONE; PLASTIC SHEET; and PLASTIC STRIP.
- What is a Display Book? 51 Items
- A Display Book (BOOK,DISPLAY) is a loose-leaf book-like item having transparent envelopes (sleeves) in lieu of pages into which photographs, drawings and the like can be placed for display purposes.
- What is a Magazine Binder? 19 Items
- A Magazine Binder (BINDER,MAGAZINE) is an item designed to protect one or more paper bound periodicals. It may be designed with rod(s), or adhesive to retain the volume(s) between the covers.
- What is a Mechanical Eraser Refill? 15 Items
- What is a Document Protector? 279 Items
- A Document Protector (PROTECTOR,DOCUMENT) is a sheet of plastic or similar material used as a protective covering for correspondence, documents, photographs and similar items. It may have an overlap across the top, a full fold open on 3 sides, or a full fold with overlap on one side and open at each end.
- What is a Reproduction Lettering Set? 166 Items
- A Reproduction Lettering Set (LETTERING SET,REPRODUCTION) is an item usually consisting of a complete alphabet, numerals, and/or artwork characters, printed in black on white card stock or on transparent film, made into individual pads of letters, numerals, and/or artwork characters with one to sixteen of the characters in each pad. It is normally used to set a display head or line of copy by inserting the letters or numerals into a composing stick which is immediately ready for offset, planograph, zinc, silk-screen, blueprint, or photographic reproduction. It may include a composing stick and a carrying case. See also TITLE BOARD SET, PHOTOGRAPHIC and LETTERING SET.
- What is a Silkscreen Stencil Film? 13 Items
- A Silkscreen Stencil Film (FILM,STENCIL,SILKSCREEN) is a thin transparent plastic film temporarily affixed to a transparent backing sheet. Designs, letters, or figures are cut in the film for transposition to a SCREEN, SILKSCREEN PROCESS.
- What is a Pastel Stick? 57 Items
- A Pastel Stick is one or more sticks of one color for drawing made of true artist's dry pigments (commercially pure) and a suitable binder.
- What is a Color Overlay Screen? 159 Items
- A Color Overlay Screen (SCREEN,COLOR OVERLAY) is a sheet of transparent or opaque flexible material such as plastic, glassine or the like with a pressure sensitive backing, of various solid colors. It is used to overlay drawings, maps, reproductions and the like to effect shading and/or give color to same. For transparent items with precision patterns with designs of lines, dots, checks, figures, letters, and the like, see SCREEN, LINE CUT and DRY TRANSFER SHEET. Excludes PLASTIC SHEET and PLASTIC STRIP.
- What is a Platen And Feed Roller Cleaning And Reconditioning Compound? 14 Items
- A Platen And Feed Roller Cleaning And Reconditioning Compound (CLEANING AND RECONDITIONING COMPOUND,PLATEN AND FEED ROLLER) is a liquid preparation of nonspecific chemicals compounded primarily for cleaning and inflating platens and feed rollers of typewriters, adding machines, and the like. It may also be used on paper grippers and other rubber parts of these machines. When of a single specific chemical, use specific chemical name. Excludes CLEANING COMPOUND, SOLVENT.
- Refill,Ball Point Pen 280 Items
- What is a Signal Marker? 20 Items
- A Signal Marker (MARKER,SIGNAL) is an item of various designs and colors used for coding purposes on maps, charts, file folders, record cards and for decorative purposes.
- What is an Embossing Tape? 1147 Items
- An Embossing Tape (TAPE,EMBOSSING) is an item of metal or plastic material, six inches (152.4 mm) or less in width, designed for use in embossing machines. It may be with or without adhesive backing.
- What is a Correction Tape? 97 Items
- A Correction Tape (TAPE,CORRECTION) is an item six inches (152.4 mm) or less in width having a pressure sensitive adhesive coating on one or both sides protected with a backing sheet. Used for making corrections on proof copies, and the like. Excludes PAPER, MASKING (as modified); TAPE, PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE; and PAPER, CORRECTION.
- What is a Line Guide Rule? 10 Items
- A Line Guide Rule (RULE,LINE GUIDE) is a metal device consisting of a roller and attached rule with straightedge which is designed for use in directing attention to a specific line, drawing parallel lines, and measuring. The rule is moved forward and backwards by rotating the roller. Excludes PARALLEL RULER.
- What is a Pocket Planning Set? 31 Items
- A Pocket Planning Set is an item consisting of monthly diary planning guides, divider cards, and a pocket size wallet for carrying the current diary planning guide and a telephone index. It is designed to record daily appointments, scheduled activities, and various other data. A file case or file box, and/or a telephone index may be included.
- What is an Opaque Coating Correction Fluid? 91 Items
- An Opaque Coating Correction Fluid (CORRECTION FLUID,OPAQUE COATING) is a fluid used to coat writing, printing, typed copy, or artwork to effect corrections or changes. It may include a separate supply of thinner.
- What is a Pocket Planning Set Refill? 15 Items
- A Pocket Planning Set Refill (REFILL,POCKET PLANNING SET) is an item consisting of diary planning guides and divider cards to be used as replacements in a pocket planning set. A file case or file box, and/or a telephone index may be included. For items containing a wallet, use POCKET PLANNING SET.
- What is an Identification Tape? 2316 Items
- An Identification Tape (TAPE,IDENTIFICATION) is a flexible item in roll form, 6 inches (152.4 millimeters) or less in width, designed to be affixed to an object by adhesion. It contains preprinted legends, symbols, designs, coding, and/or other marking. It is not perforated, notched, or otherwise designed to be cut to a predetermined length. It is not coated or impregnated with luminescent or reflecting material. For items containing perforations, notches, and the like see LABEL; and MARKER, IDENTIFICATION. Excludes TAPE, PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE; and TAPE, SEALING, STERILIZATION INDICATOR.
- What is a Dry Transfer Sheet? 442 Items
- A Dry Transfer Sheet is an item of clear flexible material, such as plastic, glassine, or the like, with transferable ink designs, such as letter of the alphabet, punctuation marks, numbers, symbols, indicia, emblems, patterns, and the like. The item is treated to facilitate release of the designs from the transfer sheet and the designs are treated with adhesive to insure adherence to a surface receiving the designs. It is furnished with a backing sheet, treated so that it can be used as a re-burnishing sheet and prevent accidental transfer of letters. It is used by designers, architects, map and chart makers, draftsmen and art professionals, and students, as a graphic aid. See also SCREEN, COLOR OVERLAY and SCREEN, LINE CUT. Excludes SCREEN, HALFTONE; PLASTIC SHEET; and PLASTIC STRIP.
- What is a Typing Element? 1009 Items
- A Typing Element is an item which prints a combination of letters, numerals and symbols by impact with a ribbon. It may be found on typewriters; printers (ADP); teletypewriters; etc. The item types include printwheels, daisy wheels, fonts (ball style), pallets, timbles; cups and the like.
- What is an Inking Ribbon? 1970 Items
- An Inking Ribbon (RIBBON,INKING) is an item of fabric or plastic film which prints via impact by a dot-matrix head, daisywheel or any other sort of ELEMENT, TYPING. It may be used in any machine which produces a readable output such as a typewriter, printer, adding machine or handheld device.
- What is a Correction Ribbon? 24 Items
- A Correction Ribbon (RIBBON,CORRECTION) is an item designed to remove or cover errors printed by a RIBBON, INKING, and usually installed in a typewriter.
- What is a Nonmetallic Ruler? 137 Items
- A Nonmetallic Ruler (RULER,NONMETALLIC) is a smooth edged nonmetallic strip that is marked off in units and is used for guiding a pen or the like or for measuring. Excludes SCALE (as modified) and RULE (as modified).
- What is a Metallic Ruler? 92 Items
- A Metallic Ruler (RULER,METALLIC) is a smooth edged metallic strip that is marked off in units and used for guiding a pencil or the like for measuring.
- What is a Ribbon Reel? 38 Items
- A Ribbon Reel (REEL,RIBBON) is a reel specifically designed to accommodate a RIBBON (as modified) for use on typewriters, calculating machines, teletypewriters, accounting machines, address plate machines, shorthand writing machines, printers, and the like.
- What is a Toner Cartridge? 3011 Items
- A Toner Cartridge (CARTRIDGE,TONER) is a replaceable cartridge that contains dry toner, used for the copying of documents in a PRINTER (as modified) or copying machine (as modified). The item may contain and house the photosensitive drum, corona wire, and the like. For toner used to refill toner reservoirs, see TONER, INDIRECT, ELECTROSTATIC PROCESSING or TONER, DIRECT, ELECTROSTATIC PROCESSING.
- What is a Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Label Tape? 297 Items
- A Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Label Tape (LABEL TAPE,PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE) is a narrow item in roll form used to indicate contents, ownership, destination and the like. It may be designed for cutting or tearing into individual units of specified lengths or it may be designed for cutting to form labels of any length. It contains a printed legend or design or it is designed with a writing surface suitable for inscription. See also LABEL AND TAPE, PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE.
- What is an Eyelet Reinforcement? 26 Items
- An Eyelet Reinforcement is a metallic/nonmetallic, various-shaped item, designed to reinforce the edge of a hole. It is used primarily to repair and/or strengthen holes in loose-leaf filler material(s), document)s), form(s), writing material(s), and the like. Excludes EYELET, (as modified).
- What is a Cartridge Ink? 2389 Items
- A Cartridge Ink (INK,CARTRIDGE) is a pigmented liquid used for printing letters or designs, for use in ink jet process, and clinical chemistry analyzers or the like that require a cartridge. Excludes INK,PRINTING.
- What is a Mechanical Pencil Eraser? 21 Items
- A Mechanical Pencil Eraser (ERASER,MECHANICAL PENCIL) is excludes ERASER, RUBBER.
- Holder,Pen 37 Items
- What is a Pen Point And Feed Section? 81 Items
- A Pen Point And Feed Section is an item consisting of a pen point and ink feed, assembled as a complete unit, normally used as a replacement in fountain pens, and in dip-type pens which are components of desk pen sets.
- What is a Fingerprint Lifting Film? 45 Items
- A Fingerprint Lifting Film (FILM,FINGERPRINT LIFTING) is a thin piece of material evenly coated on one side with a low-pressure sensitive adhesive mixture. It is specifically used to lift latent (powdered) fingerprint residue for fingerprint identification.
- What is an Excess Toner Cartridge? 24 Items
- An Excess Toner Cartridge (CARTRIDGE,EXCESS TONER) is an item to be used with a PRINTER (as modified) or a COPYING MACHINE (as modified). It is designed to collect or recover excess toner. Excludes CARTRIDGE, TONER.
- What is a Toner Cartridge Set? 13 Items
- A Toner Cartridge Set (CARTRIDGE SET,TONER) is a group of two or more CARTRIDGE, TONER. It may contain cartridges with toner of different colour.
- What is an Ink Cartridge? 84 Items
- An Ink Cartridge (CARTRIDGE,INK) is a replaceable cartridge that contains ink, used for the copying of documents in a PRINTER (as modified) or copying machine (as modified). Excludes INK,CARTRIDGE.
Stock Items From Supply Class 7510 Page 1of 126
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- RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 9 | DAC: 3