
Eating Plate

7350270107950 270107950 99999-NIIN-DA0080848 20 CM

A shallow bowl-like vessel, circular in shape, having a relatively flat inside bottom and a flat or nearly flat rim extending from the top of the body. The overall diameter shall be 6 inches (152.4 millimeters) up to and including 10 1/2 inches (266.7 millimeters) in diameter and it shall be less than 1 7/8 inches (47.625 millimeters) in height. It may be compartmented. See also DISH (as modified); BOWL (as modified); and PLATTER, FOOD SERVING. Excludes PLATE, PAPER; SAUCER (as modified); and TRAY, MESS, COMPARTMENTED. View more Eating Plate

7350-27-010-7950 PLATE,EATING 7350270107950 270107950

Managed by Turkey
NSN Created on 18 Jun 2002
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July 2023
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99999-NIIN-DA0080848 20 CM A shallow bowl-like vessel, circular in shape, having a relatively flat inside
RQST NE Updated Every Day 7350-27-010-7950 RQST Updated Every Day 7350-27-010-7950 RQST NE Related Documents
7350-27-010-7950 4+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7350/tr 7350-27-010-7950
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Eating Plate 7350270107950 270107950 Every Day 7350-27-010-7950 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com
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7350-27-010-7950 Demil Restrictions 7350-27-010-7950


7350-27-010-7950 is a Eating Plate

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Turkey (ZW)

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