

7350981062346 981062346 GI9615

A drinking vessel with a foot and stem, which is usually extended. It does not have a handle. Excludes TUMBLER, DRINKING. See also SHERBET CUP. View more Goblet

7350-98-106-2346 GOBLET 7350981062346 981062346

Managed by New Zealand
NSN Created on 23 Jul 1979
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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7350-98-106-2346 GOBLET 7350981062346 981062346 1/1
NSN 7350-98-106-2346 (Generic Image) 1/1

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7350-98-106-2346 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7350/nz 7350-98-106-2346
Goblet 7350981062346981062346,GI9615 7350-98-106-2346 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com
Goblet 7350981062346981062346,GI9615 7350981062346981062346,GI9615 012069513 159-0143 7350-99-
171083811,GILDE 7350-17-108-3811 7350-99-936-3662 -135-8544 https 159-0143 7350-99-122-4171 7350-98-106-2346
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7350/uk 7350-99-936-3662 Goblet 7350999363662 999363662,3A7A-005 7350981062346
981062346,GI9615 207-2318 https 005436905 159-0143 7350-99-122-4171 7350-98-106-2346 7350-33-207-2318
3662 7350-99-135-8544 https 159-0143 7350-99-122 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7350/nz 7350-98-106-2346
Goblet 7350981062346 981062346,GI9615 7350981062346981062346,GI9615 012069513 159-0143 7350-99-
122-4171 7350-98-106-2346 https 8544 Goblet 7350991358544 005436904 159-0143 7350-99-122-4171 7350-98
99-936-3662 Goblet 7350999363662 999363662,3A7A https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-73/fsc-7350/nz 7350-98-106-2346
Goblet 7350981062346 981062346,GI9615 207-2318 https 005436905 159-0143 7350-99-122-4171 7350-98
7350-33-207-2318 108 -3811 7350-99-936-3662 7350005436904 005436904 159-0143 7350-99-122 -4171 7350-98-106-2346
207-2318 7350-17-108-3811 7350-99-936-3662 -135-8544 https 159-0143 7350-99-122-4171 7350-98-106-2346
999363662,3A7A-005 7350-17-108-3811 7350-99-936-3662 -135-8544 https 159-0143 7350-99-122-4171 7350-98-106-2346
Goblet 7350981062346 981062346,GI9615 7350991358544 005436904 159-0143 7350-99-122-4171 7350-98

7350-98-106-2346 Demil Restrictions 7350-98-106-2346


7350-98-106-2346 is a Goblet

7350-98-106-2346 Manufacturers Approved Sources 7350-98-106-2346

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